I did read your thread very carefuly, but it did not actually attend to the issue, which is a wide philosophical one and not one that can be governed by a self-imposed insight.
I do agree that this question has remained unanswered throughout history and will continue to be so in the forseeable future, but it is incumbent on those who claim a belief in God to at least attempt to answer this question. If they cannot do so then they have failed in their faith at a primal level.
The first step in answering the question of God and wickedness is to see that if this thread was a mile long, it couldn't give you the satisfactory conclusion you seek. The mind doesn't have the answer. So, now what?
But the mind does have an answer James, an answer that is uncomfortable to many but is based in the reality of history and human experience. Then perhaps the only sensible conclusions are as follows.
1) God does not exist. - Wickedness is thus defined in evolutionary and visceral terms.
2) God may exist and is morally compromised by his lack of intervention in this matter.
3) God exists and has a long-term plan of which he has deliberately and for unknown reasons kept all in ignorance.
Jung did indeed make a valid point :
Your vision will become clear - only when you look into your heart ...Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.
Perhaps James, he was actually suggesting that an internal awakening would result us facing up to some of the uncomfortable definitions that I note above. He who looks without realistic thought on the matter dreams.
Best regards - HS