Take George out of the equation.

by Thunder Rider 127 Replies latest social current

  • English Patient
    English Patient
    your age is showing!

  • kat2u

    And what are those alternatives? Do tell and be specific!

  • imallgrowedup


    Thanks for saying it soooooooooooo much better than I ever could! You ROCK!!!!!


  • Atilla

    I guess call me cold-hearted but the whole Bush-Iraq thing comes down to money for me. For all I care, Bush can invade any country in the so called name of democacy as long as he finds a way to pay for it without running up the bills here at home. So far, he has failed miserbly. The war so far has cost us over $120 billion and has a burn rate of around $4 billion a month. I know, people will say in the long run, but this war was a huge risk with not many creditors other than the American public. So, as Bush fails in Iraq we all fail as Americans and get a little poorer. Where is the money for education? No Child Left Behind by Bush's own outline is already 10 Billion underfunded. Call me selfish but I thought our government's primary goal was to take care of it's own citizens first. That's why he doesn't get my vote this November, simple really.

  • SheilaM
    George Bush is no friend of America's military.

    Really, and you think Kerry would be? He would have them fighting with sticks and stones and reduce the Marines to NOTHING.....Also, Bush respects my son and what he is doing unlike Clinton who was sooooo disrespectful to the men guarding him. Funny, I know of NO Marine or his family that want anyone else in the White House but Bush.

    Sixy are you sure you haven't been reading fiction

  • Realist


    constructive critisism?

    how about he invaded a country that had nothing to do with terrorism? removing a guy who had the religious nuts pretty well under control.

    how about putting pressure on the currupt regimes in the arab world to oust terrorists? saudi arabia, kuwait, egypt,...

    how about putting pressure on israel to give the land back to the palestinians? war was declared on iraq 10 years ago for occupying kuwait...israel has occupied the palestinian terrotories 30 years ago...and the US has blocked all UN resolutions that condemed israel for it.

    how about helping these countries to develop instead of letting them slip deeper in poverty?

    there are many things that could be done...bush chose to do something that helps only him and his oil buddies no one else.

    and your allegory with the snake is incorrect. the danger is for the other people in the room not for the person holding the sanke...because the person is wearing a protective suit!

  • SixofNine

    Sixy are you sure you haven't been reading fiction

    LOL! Good one.

  • SixofNine
    Really, and you think Kerry would be?

    Oh very much so. As do many veterans.

  • SixofNine

    btw, I've decided that if I get some time, I'm going to "take George out of the equation" and see what I come up with. I'll post the results.

  • imallgrowedup


    If you can do this, AND take out the anger and name-calling, I guarantee you that whatever message you bear will have my utmost respect, and I promise to actually consider what you have to say. As a disclaimer here, I want to acknowledge that I know that your life does not revolve around earning my respect! But the point I am trying to make is that my ears (and I believe those of many others) shut down when a person's message -- no matter how valid and enlightening it may be -- is filled with hatred, anger and name-calling. I won't waste my time with it. So I am anxious to see what you come up with! I love a good debate when these three elements are removed! So write away, Six! I am sure I am not the only one who would love to see what you come up with!


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