WHO is it that makes and keeps these people poor? The "peverty of the masses" is caused by their own leaders who then encourage the ANTI US, ANTI ISRAEL sentiment to take the heat off themselves.
as is stated before the arabs are largely uneducated people with a very different social structure than europeans or modern jews. their religion does not help the matter either. and yes their leaders take advantage of this.
but i am afraid this is not the whole story. corrupt leaders are supported by the west if they serve the interests of the cooperations (oil primarily). good leaders are discredited or removed. the involvment of the west is one of the essential problems in the region because it is not focused on helping to develop these countries but on getting their oil. (as is true in africa!)
Stealing land? Most of the land Israel occuppied it had paid good money for. Why wan't "stealing land" an issue when the Jordanians and Egyptians occuppied the West Bank and Gaza and exploited the Palestinians?
again yeru when you look at land ownership in 1946 (official UN numbers) than you cannot keep the claim up that israel payed for most of its land. this is simply not true.
and in regards to the west bank and gaza...this is occupied territory. no one allowed the jews to build settlements there. i am sorry but this is clear injustice. if you cannot see and accept that than it is pointless to continue this discussion.
also you seem to ignore the mentality of the arabs when you say egypt stole the west bank. the arabs living there have no problem with being under egyption control. they do not want to be controlled by jews who disrespect, hate and dominate them. and yes jews do hate arabs and yes they do treat them badly.
As to the haves and have what middle east country do Arabs have the highest standard of living? Israel!
yes of course! why? because they got people with excellent european education, highly motivated workers and leaders and a gigantic amount of money from germany the US and others.
to think you could develop the same state without outside help and only arab workers is naive.