So, you excuse the Taliban from lending aid, comfort, and shelter to Bin Laden and AQ? How nice of you. Does it make a difference to you that they would have killed you had they gotten the chance? Besides, Bin Laden and Mullah Omar are FAR from poor.
Ok then. Given that people should NOT be excused for lending aid, comfort and shelter to Bin Laden and AQ ... who, in any US administrations, is going to be thrown in jail for doing just that? Never mind comfort and shelter - what about giving them arms and training? THIS IS WHAT THE US GOVERNMENT DID!!
Y'know what's funny? We're now buddying up with Libya and are 'welcoming them in from the cold' and yet THEY haven't changed but WE have. One of the reasons General Gaddafi didn't like America (apart from the acts of aggression) was the backing given to Osama Bin Laden which he saw as dangerous. Which leader was right and which leader was shown to be a short-sighted idiot? Hmnn ...
You speak of 'dealing with terrorism' but he sure did that when he gave the Taliban 43 million dollars in 2001. Wise move if he knew that Osama was a big hit with the Taliban, wouldn't you say? I agree any aid to the Taliban was wrong headed. Hindsight is great, huh.
So, Bush's claims and the warning about Al Queda prior to this money being given fit in HOW eqactly with this distored vision of reality?
It seems like to the USA, Osama only became a terrorist after he attacked the USA. The fact is that he was a terrorist for a long time before that but this great country who stands up for truth and liberty was quite happy to fund him and allow the targetting of other peoples simply because it suited their own agenda.