Let's see, Realist, here is your list:
how about he invaded a country that had nothing to do with terrorism? removing a guy who had the religious nuts pretty well under control.
Ah, I see. We shoulda kept Sadam in power. At least he kept control. Yeah, that's a big plus with totalitarian, murderous dictatorships. They maintain control, because people fear for their lives. They know if they step out of line they and their families will get tortured or murdered. Yes, indeed, a constructive solution!
how about putting pressure on the currupt regimes in the arab world to oust terrorists? saudi arabia, kuwait, egypt,...
"Putting pressure," how? And, that's been precisely what's been done. It's hasn't worked. They haven't taken the US seriously since we've shown time and again with wimpy presidents that we cave. The whole Iran hostage situation that Carter utterly bungled was the beginning of their seeing we barked but won't bite.
how about putting pressure on israel to give the land back to the palestinians? war was declared on iraq 10 years ago for occupying kuwait...israel has occupied the palestinian terrotories 30 years ago...and the US has blocked all UN resolutions that condemed israel for it.
Again, the "putting pressure" word. What are you talking about? If you want to get THAT far BACK, the Israelis occupied Palestine thousands of years ago. So what? Maybe if Jews didn't encounter such abject prejudice and persecution in Europe, there wouldn't be a need for them to find a place to call home. I guess they shouldn't take Hitler murdering millions of them so personally. The vast majority of Jews today live in the US. Wonder why.
how about helping these countries to develop instead of letting them slip deeper in poverty?
Well, good idea...we're all in favor of that. But you just said your good buddy Sadam kept control. And on the flip side, he was getting kickbacks from other countries in the oil for food program; money that was intended to purchase food for his people. Even when we've HAD those great programs, totalitarian leaders and corrupt governments (i.e. France, Russia) have taken food away from people.
That's the best you can come up with??