I'm new to the forums so I just wanted to say hi. Kind of nervous at the moment.
I'm one of the Jehovah's Witness kids that is looking for the WHOLE truth. I go to the meetings and have my own problems with the organization but I do believe in alot of it's beliefs.
Since I got that out the way I wanted to see what other people think about the Newer Jehovah's Witness Teens. I have found two types and two types only. Full dedicated Jehovah's Witness kids and Astray Jehovah's Witness kids that live the double life. I went to a Jehovah's witness teen party a while ago (I live in a kinda hip hop ghetto atmosphere so ya know what kind of parties im talking about) and I couldn't help but just think about what I am seeing. If you don't know I'm one of those double life Jehovah's Witnesses and I just had a hard hit of how many of me there are. At that party everybody was witnesses, even my sister who is one of those fully dedicated ones. We went there with one of my sister's friends and her friend's sister (which I like ALOT). We were just walking around and I was seeing girls with short skirts, short pants, dudes with muscle shirts, guys who were secretly cursing and saying, "My bad" like it is all ok, seeing people flirting with other people so many phone numbers handed out. I was in heaven really I was. My sister's friend's sister is very good looking and she is so much like me. She lives life by the horns and has fun in it, she has her problems but she gets by them. Even my Fully dedicated Sister was dancing with different guys and having fun. There was alcohol there, BYOB, but it was for the older guys (even though i grabbed myself a few beers and drunk a few myself). It was really surprising to see the kids at my kingdom hall and other kids act like worldy kids, like on a mass scale. I mean seriously the only difference from a worldly party from this one was the fact that there wasn't any illegal drugs there, that i could see of course. Music has curse words and were so called "demonic music" in the eyes of most elders and JW finatics. Even 4 elders was there telling people here and there not to dance too close. And the most hilarious thing I saw at that party was a girl dancing all up on an Elder and he was smiling while he had a beer in his hands. I even danced a few songs with my sister's friend's sister, good times.
The reason for me telling you this story was to just to see if alot more youths act like this. Are most of us becoming more wordly? Or is this a new age for Jehovah's Witness youths. I've been going to more and more parties and gatherings and just plain sitting back and talking with other Jehovah's Witnesses youth and i have learned alot.
The doctrine of the Jehovah's Witness exagerates the fact that all False religion will fall... we might be seeing ourselves fall at the moment.
Thanks for listening to my story and I hope I can find some of my best friends I will ever meet in these forums here.