Avengers, those are classic!
Hey Obvious,
The doctrine of the Jehovah's Witness exagerates the fact that all False religion will fall... we might be seeing ourselves fall at the moment.
That's actually a very insightful comment. Actually, all religion is false anyway so they will all fall. That's the way thoughts are, they come and go - and religion is nothing more than a way of thinking. I mean you probably know that even the JWs used to say 'religion is a snare and a racket' right?
I mean the organization freakin I don't want to sound weird but I'm practically afraid of sex. I want to have it like wild but when i think about it it always seems that I'm taking advantage of the person or I'm hurting the person.
That's what happens when you demonize sex. Even if the official statement is treating it as sacred, within the bonds of marriage etc. it's the attitude that is instilled in people right? Actually that attitude creates a division within you, so that you see a part of yourself as bad - and what's that going to do to anyone but tear them apart? Of course this applies to a lot of things, but frankly it's the opposite of love. What's really sad to me is a lot of people even after they leave all they understand is right and wrong, good and bad - and that's like any other religion. I'm not saying do whatever you want and ignore other people's feelings, but it's this attitude that actually ignores peoples feelings - just do what the organization wants you to do, forget that we're all different, one size fits all lifestyle here.
Worse thing is I feel like I can never recover from it, breaks my heart in a way. Just seeing the people masses of them secretly depressed living lies.
Yes I hear you there. But you know what? Atleast you still have a heart. Anyway, welcome to the forum.
Someone said:
I remember one congregation where they had to get rid of just about everybody for immorality,elders having fist fights at weddings I can go on and on.