Somebody was lying.
I don't think it need necessarily be a lie at all.
Why accuse them of something which scripture does not?
Was not the serpent declared to be the "father of the lie"?
Is it a sin to lie?
Where is the command that says so (other than the explicit mention of bearing false testimony against your brother)?
Even though sin entered the world through Adam, there's a lie somewhere along the road that is brought about by the serpent.
Scripture focusses on Adam as being the one responsible for bringing sin into the world, not Eve or the serpent, and a relationship is further attested to regarding the right of wives and daughters (in the OT) to be countermanded by the male.
Yea, lusting is inward sin, which gives birth to outward acts of sin.
Only where there's a law about it.
Was it sinful for me to lust after my wife?
Was the law about eating or lusting?
He made a judgment call alright. Your right, he was not deceived, he exchanged the truth of God for a lie.
I guess "that the law is not made for a righteous man" means the law in the garden was made for the serpent? Right!!!Sorry, Does this passage includes "fruit of the knowledge of good and evil" eating?
No, Paul is talking about the Mosaic law. His argument has actually has nothing to do with Eden. In our discussion we've extended the principles (in his arguments) into the Edenic situation, but it's not a firm footing.
Lets just say, I believe Adam had human nature before the fall. You seem to think he had a divine nature before the fall. So if Adam could lose his divine nature, how do you know Jesus won't lose his?
There ya go again, putting words into my mouth
I agree that Adam had a "human nature", but at that time his human nature was not corrupted. Hence, comparing it to modern man's "human nature" is comparing apples and pears (Rom.8:20, 21)
LT wrote: He didn't but he was certainly growing in understanding.
DD wrote: He was? How? In understanding of what? The Law?
There was only one law, and he knew that already. He wasn't omniscient, so of course he was learning.
He would learn something more when he took of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, too.