My problem is merely with your voicing a speculation as fact.
You have no idea what God was thinking beyond what is recorded in the Bible, and yet you happily jump outside those bounds. If you want to make the bible your authority, at least be gracious enough to maintain that position.
I can say the same thing about you.
In the beginning he didn't need to obtain it at all, as he was performing 100% righteous acts.
Pure speculation!
Adam, on the other hand was created "good", "perfect", "sinless", and his every activity was righteous. After Adam's creation the whole of creation was declared to be "good".
The only text you quote to support your position is Gen 1:31 "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day." Why would you assume that in just this one verse "Good" means morally perfect? Does that mean that the light was morally perfect? How about the dry land and the sea? Maybe the grass, herbs and trees were as well. You don't know what he was doing. Are you saying that anything was a righteous act before he ate the fruit? Here is another question from left field. What was the purpose of the law (the command not to eat the fruit) in the garden? Was it to keep Adam righteous?
Let's not make this personal, huh?
There was no call for that low shot.
Come on. I know, you think deep down, that you could have done a better job than Adam. Could we say the same about EW?
Sorry, I think you have it wrong. If you loved God with all your heart, soul and mind, you would seek out the ceremonial law in the scriptures and obey that too .I'm sorry too, because I think YOU have it wrong.
Does loving God make one suddenly omniscient?
I guess you believe that the Holy Spirit wouldn't do His job.
But for all our rhetoric, I love ya bro
Don't apologies for vigorous debate. If we ever meet, I'll eat with you any time. D Dog