> Hello rick, I do want to apologize for my knee-jerk emotive reaction to your post. I do want to thank you for the time and work you spent on providing a place for us when we needed it. WHile many things have gone awry,you are never a worthless human being. I see your hurt and anger. In friendships risks are always involved because sharing must be honest,open and deeper that the superficial niceties and comments. While I disagree with your thoughts,and your assessments of some people, I appreciate that you disclosed them. Relationships whether online or r/l mean we expose ourselves,make ourselves vulnerable. WHile this can be a great demand,it also offers great rewards. We each must accept our responsibility for half the realtionship. In this way only can we support each other. My wishes for you are positive and for your board as well. Hugs,Tina psssssst BETHelMOle's the name
That was a very upbuilding post, Tina. I guess you're not so bad afterall. I apologize for anything I said that might have offended you, also! Let's hope the newly "reborn" H2O benefits so many more JWs and non-JWs who have yet to enter cyberspace.
Here's a hug with expressed wishes the truce is an enduring one.
No.Im not completely bad -some parts are missing wink(badjoke I know) ANd neither are the others Rick,believe me,good hearts beat under the brash exteriors.....Tina waving olive branch class
WHEW!!! exhale.......I am so glad the air is clearer now. I feel so bad when people get into arguments. I know, i'm a woosie but, I just hate people getting into fights when I know that, deep down inside they really care for one another. Rick is a part of each of us. We are in a sense family. Via are time on H2O.
It's times like this that I wish we were face to face so I could give all of you a great big hug!
Tina, I have never seen this side of you before, that of a truly caring person. Here I've just come out of the shower wearing a lilly white robe and feeling like changing my screen name to "Saint Rick," and your considerate reply has made me feel guilty all over again. My confession to the board: I was rubbernecking another major traffic accident dubbed "Asshole Wars" and could not resist giving into the dark side by responding to Norm.
However, remember that I did take a shower and you won't find a spot on this white bathrobe, so I hope that counts for something. ;-)
: Tina, I have never seen this side of you before, that of a truly caring person.
Maybe you were just not willing to look before, Rick. I'm not so bad either, you know, and neither are all my friends who were branded with a broad brush by yours truly. Sure, we all have our faults, but we really were and are trying to do some good for the JWs who want to learn all the FACTS they can about their religion and its history.
I'll also re-extend the peace pipe to you we smoked together a month or two ago and just let it all blow off as differences we happen to have. Life's too short for permanent acrimony and I'm too old for carrying it around with me, too.
You and Tina have shown true depth of character that I had not seen in either of you before. Of course, Simon asked me to check-in my Watchtower Glasses at the door (a similar courteous gesture like taking off your hat). Perhaps without the glasses I'm seeing you both in a whole new light? (No pun intended!) You see, I wear those glasses outside, because when I get out into bright sunlight, the glare of reality is too blinding. The least thing householders want is to see us squinting at them through the door! That's why the Society graciously issued the rose colored glasses. I'm just trying to get them to go with a modern style, as the horn-rimmed look is to 1950'ish. ;-)
If we ever get into another snit again, perhaps you can reminded me to lift the glasses and take another look.
Wow Rick, you're having one a them epithany things .. youknow, like when apostle Paul took his sunglasses off and was blinded by a householder, or was that his ass? ... oops sorry, I had too much lunatic soup for breakfast. You're all drongos! (a mild aussie insult that had a post of mine deleted at another place) ... LOL.
Tina, Farkel and Dannybear are 3 of my favoritest people. They make me laugh, they make me cry, we argue but never doubt the friendship. There are intellectual snobs on the net who only care about winning arguments and putting others down, but these folks aren't like that at all, along with people like wasasister and todd they actually care about those in distress. A bloke could find worse friends ;)