Dateline--Fahrenheit 911

by patio34 180 Replies latest social current

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    I bethcha if a criminal tried to break into Micheal Moores mansion he would call the police and hope they had guns to shoot the motherF8900 breaking into his crib.

    If weapons of mass destruction are ever discovered, or if proof is founf that Sadham may have assisted with 9/11 happening maybe we wont have to see this scruffy, person anymore.

  • talesin


    I have found some very interesting connections between the Bush empire and the Bin Ladens while researching this a couple of months ago. They are very big in oil, and reportedly 'disinherited' Osama in 1992 (I believe that is the correct date). They are a large, powerful Saudi family with strong ties to the US oil industry. That has largely been hidden ignored.

    As for dissing Moore because he is fat, oh well, I have never been one to ignore the opinions of people simply because of how they look or dress. It's a cheap shot, imo.

    Yes, Moore is passionate and at times, over the top, but so what? How else does one get the public to listen to their message? Moore cares about America, and no one seemed to mind when he was exposing the wrongs done to the auto workers. Now that he is attacking the status quo, it's a whole new ballgame.

    I have yet to see 9-1-1, but as I do with everything else I am exposed to in the media, I will 'take it with a grain of salt', and then go do my own research before I make up my mind.


  • talesin
    Personally, I think the fat one ruined a great book title,

    Tongue in cheek? I don't understand.

    Because he is fat, his opinion doesn't matter? Or his fatness outweighs his argument? Or it doesn't really matter that he is heavy? I'm confused.

  • bigboi

    Moore cares about America, and no one seemed to mind when he was exposing the wrongs done to the auto workers. Now that he is attacking the status quo, it's a whole new ballgame.
    My feelings exactly. In his last film Bowling for Columbine Micheal Moore stuck it not only to big business but the government and the media also for their insane policies that tend to breed a culture of fear in this country. I think the way he linked these problems to the age-old problem of race in this country is what really earned him the ire of the status quo.

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma

    If you haven't seen the cartoon - 'A brief history of America', the cartoon from 'Bowling from Columbine', I recommend it.

  • patio34

    Hi Talesin and Bigboi!

    Thanks for the posts. I just watched the interview as Matt Lauer argued with Moore. Moore is a very powerful debater. I guess Matt and Katie just have that style of trying to skewer people, imo.


    I'd rather listen to what a person has to say than what he looks like. It's poor form to attack a person's looks, race, etc., rather than the content of what they're saying. It's called ad hominem (attack the person rather than the argument).


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    Because he is fat, his opinion doesn't matter? Or his fatness outweighs his argument? Or it doesn't really matter that he is heavy? I'm confused.

    With that type of reasoning, I guess that would mean we shouldn't listen to what Russ Limbaugh has to say either?


  • talesin


    I think that cartoon is brilliant. Says so much in so little time. One of my all-time favorites.


    I don't have American TV (no cable), so miss a lot of this stuff. Good thing I have Jon Stewart's nightly rants to keep me apprised of what's going on! hahaha


    Yep. In spades, if you will pardon the pun. (tks) But he is no longer just attacking the establishment, he is now targetting 'basic values' (ie, the 'right to bear arms', and so-called 'fighting for democracy'). What a shame that many just see him as being 'loud' or 'fat', when he has such an important message to relay about the corruption and decay in our society.

    Yah, he's 'in your face', I agree. But is his message wrong? Perhaps his delivery of that message is a bit brash, a bit overly-passionate, but I think we could all just sit back and wonder, "Is he right?"

    No, Michael Moore is not a modern-day Messiah, but he may just be a 'voice crying out in the wilderness'.


  • jst2laws


    Fun reading, and you are consistent in sticking to the issues and pointing out the false arguments.

    I just watched Dave Letterman interview Moore. It appears some of his last book is incorporated into the film.

    I don't know about Kerry but I'm desperately going to vote for the "anyone but (fundamentalist) Bush" ticket. I would vote for Michael Moore.


  • Cassiline
    No, Michael Moore is not a modern-day Messiah, but he may just be a 'voice crying out in the wilderness'.

    A voice wanting to make money IMO period. In his movie 9-11 he was aware of some of the abuse of Iraqi's far before it was made public, yet he waited to disclose it in his film and tries to makes Bush and Co. look bad because he supossedly knew and did nothing. Moore could have blew the lid off this months ago but because he wanted to make a buck he kept it to himself and did nothing.

    It's all political spin, whomever has the better spin gets the people's votes or their money or both.


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