er... well... both really.
On the wildly small chance that there is such a thing as "ghostly" manifestation, I see no reason to be afraid of this one.... though honestly, I got a "scary chill" reading the story, so I won't press the issue, lol.
But I gotta say... YOU PEOPLE REALLY BELIEVE THIS???? Geezus.. this is one of the easy ones. The dude has a preconcieved notion that the hospital is haunted, the poor little girl has been on his subconcious (as she would be on anyones, she had a chilling and soul touching thing to say to him while alive "it hurts [italic]everywhere[/italic]"), he's haunted by the fact that you can't make that kind of pain go away and she's probably going to die, he thinks he's been working too much, and stairwells of commercial buildings are the most spooky ass places on this planet.
The odds remain the same to me as before I read this story: .0000000000000001% chance that people really *see* (as in utilizing their vision) ghost, and 99.9999999999% chance that Tall Texan is freakin' nuts like the rest of humanity.
Chilling experience
by TallTexan 84 Replies latest jw experiences
Hot Damn!!!
Just when you think you have him pegged, he opens his mind a smidgen
(Ok, only 0.0000000000000001% of a smidgen, but...)
Hehehe... -
Yeah, well so was Regan in The Exorcist, but I wouldn't f--- with her
TT, it may interest you to know, that they are remaking that film. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwww
BTW, I wouldn't be scared of the little girl. You were nice to her.
Talltexan, that is to me a very confirming experiance. I've had two in my life that were of a similar nature. I have no doubt that the experiance is not an abberation of your mind no more than those I experianced. I wouldn't be afraid though as it is nothing to fear. Since I don't believe in the "bad god" of christianity, (Louis, Louis) those things do not cause fear but more a source of peacefulness. Enjoy it.
TallTexan, did you ever find out if she had indeed passed? You didn't mention that if you did
The very last sentence of the second paragraph I mentioned that she did indeed pass....
You obviously have the right to your opinion. However, I assure you that I had no 'preconceived' notion of anything, especially of the facility being 'haunted'. I had heard stories, but had really never believed any of them. Also, I resent the fact that you make it sound like I'm jumping at shadows and just imagining stuff in a 'scary' stairwell. This is a very well-lit and well-travelled stairwell. It is not at all 'spooky'. The last thing on my mind was being 'scared'. All I was thinking about was the patient who lay dying in the ICU and the things I had to do to care for her - the least of which was stuff a towel in the door at the bottom of the stairwell. Let me tell you this - I am one of the most skeptical people you'd ever meet, so I understand where you would doubt the validity of this story. I probably would too. But let me reassure you that I know what I saw and I know what I heard. I am not easily startled, nor am I some wacko psycho-babble spouting spiritualist who sees or 'feels' a presence around every corner. Actually I am quite the opposite. My comment about working too much was simply a joke. I was very in control of my senses. The way you make it sound is that I'm some spaced out idiot who is scared of a pipe shadow in a stairwell that I've been down a thousand times. If you have your doubts, that is your opinion, but making statements regarding my sanity and integrity is NOT your right, since you have never met me or know anything about me, so keep those thoughts to yourself.
According to her, she sees them, recognizes who they are, and calls out to them. They do not speak to her, but they are looking around, and then disappear.
Interesting observation. Having spent 15 years in healthcare, I've heard quite a few stories like this and tended to discount most of them to old age, feeble minds, too much pain medicine, and the like. After last night, I may just have to rethink all that. I know a number of hospice nurses who have told me that many of their terminal patients talk of someone who is 'waiting for them in the corner' and that they 'do not want to go with them.' Usually they are dead within a few days or sometimes even hours. I've seen patients who are dying hold conversations with dead family members, but again I've always written it off to their mental state at that time. Now I'm not so sure. What has always made me wonder is that these accounts and experiences are from intelligent care-givers who are not some kind of strange space-cadets or anything.
I'm sure that Sixofnine has spent most of his life caring for the sick and dying at the end of their lives and so has much more authority on the validity of these claims than any of us do, but it really does bring up some interesting food for thought.
the poor little girl has been on his subconcious (as she would be on anyones, she had a chilling and soul touching thing to say to him while alive "it hurts [italic]everywhere[/italic]"), he's haunted by the fact that you can't make that kind of pain go away and she's probably going to die
Additionally, in the last 15 years I've seen more people die than I can count, and unfortunately, while this may seem 'touching', I've become a bit calloused. So no, I wasn't sitting around dwelling on this. I had to move on and do my job and care for the patients at the time and to be honest, the whole situation hadn't even entered my mind up until that point. After you've been in healthcare for a while, once you sleep, it kind of erases your 'slate' and allows you to continue on the next day (which is why most people can't be healthcare providers). At least it does in my case.
Anyway, you're entitled to your sarcasm and skepticism, but I'm also entitled to be pissed when it attacks my integrity.
*sigh* Yeah, that settles it, ghost and gobblins must be real. For 15 years it was always the *other* people whose minds played tricks on them. But YOUR mind would NEVER play a trick on you, would it? Did it even occur to you that since I don't know you, and as far as I know, no one else does either, I should be even MORE skeptical about your experience, not less? Or where we supposed to be in awe of the detail that you are a health care provider and therefore above human foibles?
TallTexan, you're story gave me instant chills too. Funny about that, isn't it? It's a different physical reaction from when you watch a scary movie and know it's all a story. It's very interesting. Aren't you glad it was the stairwell and not your bedroom, which you have to go back to every night? But I bet it would have happened wherever you were, so the stairwell itself is probably nothing to worry about.