Very true, with skepticism there is the real possibility of refusing to believe in something that is true because there is not enough evidence to back it. That does not, however, make it probable.
As Carl Sagan used to say, sure they laughed at Galileo, but they also laughed at Bozo the Clown. There are more wrong ideas than right ones. My opinion is that the lack of positive evidence for the paranormal, even after the last century of in-depth expirimental science, is a good indicator that there is really nothing there. Really, the paranormal position is non-falsifiable (a red flag in itself) which means it is impossible to disprove it - all we can hope for is positive evidence, which is conspicuously lacking.
In the case of micro-organisms, Pasteur did not just make germ theory up. He noticed things (anecdotes) and then tested the anecdotes (scientific method). That people did not agree with him at the time was more a question of trust in the scientific method over old traditions. I don't see this as skepticism in the modern sense. The fact that Pasteur was actually able to prove his claims and *measurably* improve survival rates in hospitals bears this out.
Today belief in the paranormal is really still the traditional view. The scientific view is actually quite novel and more often than not people prefer their traditional views - not for rational reasons, but because of emotional ones. In my view it's as if nothing has changed since the late 19th century.
Chilling experience
by TallTexan 84 Replies latest jw experiences
Exactly, Reboot.....I think that when some creature or human has a "connection" with another, they're able to "tune in" to that person no matter where they times of crises.
I know that to be true
Not trying to be neg. here but I dont believe a word of it as true, in my opinion the teller is spinning a yarn or was over worked and the mind is playing tricks, sorry if that offends any one, but that is what I believe in, that their are tricksters and mind tricks, take your pick
Country Girl
A fun site with streaming cameras to watch for ghosts throughout the night is the one for the Willard Library in Evansville, Indiana. If you go here to watch the cameras, be sure to look at the past "captures" that people have caught while watching. BoooOOOOOo! Upon entrance to the site, the ghostly noises are very creepy, but that just adds more fun. Enjoy!
Country Grill
I believe your story, TT.
Not all experiences like this are "good"; but not all of them are "bad". Going by your reaction, that you felt fearful (not wanting to go back down the stairwell), it doesn't sound very good. I know a few people who have had gentle, comforting experiences which leave a sweet sad feeling in the goodbye--not fear.
If hospital workers are more fearful, that isn't a good sign, either, in my view.
I have to add, that is a truly tragic story. That must have been totally heartbreaking to deal with that tragedy. A job I could never handle.