I can't understand why these things always seem to happen to solitary individuals. Why doesn't a spirit approach a group of people instead of just individuals? Why do they need to talk to just one person? How do they know where to find that carefully selected person? Why do some people have stories like these, and others not
I dont think anyone can; but the incidences often involve more than one person.I was at a friends' house which has had so many visitations theyre common place now.My daughter has seen so many people , movement of objects-some very violent, and weve heard voices calling to 'us' .
When I was there for supper we bolted a window , she said it would reopen and it did so many times.We did it over and over again.Once a perfect pyramid of soil appeared in the centre of the table just before i arrived and ive seen a figure on the stairs that I thought was her husband-but he appeared behind me as I was laughing at him to come down and stop scaring everyone....
when my mother died I heard her call my name very clearly,so loudly I thought she was right by my ear... that was at the exact time of her death.My mother, my sister and i were telepathic with eachother and I wonder whether only certain people receive these visitations as theyre just adept at picking up an electrical impulse sent out in to the cosmos...
I have had more experiences than i can explain, but do feel rather than there being a 'supernatural' explaination that the answer lies in us not completely understanding how the mind works.
We tend to think of our existance being centred in out brain-we think out conciousness had a 'seat' whereas after research into near death experiences it has been proved that our reality is actually physically 'around' us when close to death.The electrical impulses that fire within us travel; our conciousness isnt confined to our physicality.
I wonder if these impulses can be identified by others who are attuned to us.
just a thought..