Follow the Star All the Way to Bethlehem

by Schizm 104 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus
    It wasn't the Almighty that helped them "with their wish". It was Jesus' enemy who did that.

    If you keep saying it often enough, at least it will feel true in your own head. Or maybe god is telling you things?

    Never mind, you're just playing games anyway. I won't bother to answer any more of your posts about this.



  • Schizm

    You had said:

    So, god helps them w their wish.

    According to your idea, it was the Almighty who caused the "star" to shine; it was He who led the Magi into Jerusalem, in order that they might come into contact with jealous King Herod--a person who wanted to kill Jesus. Yes, according to YOUR idea, the Amighty himself wanted Jesus dead.

    The truth is that "your idea" doesn't have any merit to it.

    Schism (who broke his word about not replying to you anymore)

    PS> I'll try harder next time.

  • jgnat

    Shizoid, didn't anybody ever tell you not to judge a book by its' cover? I still maintain the book is a great read; mind-expanding, really.

  • Satanus
    According to your idea
    He who led the Magi into Jerusalem, in order that they might come into contact with jealous King Herod

    No, it was my idea that god helped them w their desire to see jesus. Herod getting in the way is purely a side event. Imagine how the three magicians must have felt after seeing jesus. Maybe god felt that the risk was worth it.

    Yes, according to YOUR idea, the Amighty himself wanted Jesus dead.

    Does not the bible say that it was iether jesus of god himself who came up w the ransom plan? It's not me then, is it?

    Schism (who broke his word about not replying to you anymore)

    PS> I'll try harder next time.




    Here's da real scoop...dese three wise guys were from Joisey...dey was on dere way ta check out dis guy wit da name of Jesus Christomino. Dey hoid he was from anudder family an was tryin ta take over dere territory. Ta get to this dude's place dey checked wit a Franky Sinatra...franky wuz from the Santani Family and so's he helped dem all he could...until dey got to Bethlehem (located in PA). dat's when Big "J" from da Hovini Family put da lid down on 'em. He wus protectin his kid cause he wuz still too liitle ta pack heat..

    ...dat didn't come 'til later until da big showdown when Jesus Christomino wuz bein' seduced by Luciferino Santani himself wit all kinda stuff like, pole dancers and da Chicago territory and stuff. Dat's when Jesus Christomino uttered dem famous woids..."Get da hell outa here Santani"!

    We all knowz dat da big war over territory iz comin'...dat's when growup Christomino is gonna kick Santani's butt...but dat's annudder story for anudder time. Tanks fer listenin'.


  • czarofmischief

    Even if it was from Satan, it just goes to show how even Evil at its strongest cannot do anything that will not in time bring glory to God.

    Anyway, it was actually prophesying MY arrival one thousand nine hundred and seventy nine years later! (it was 2 bc, after all)...


  • Schizm
    According to your idea, it was the Almighty who caused the "star" to shine; it was He who led the Magi into Jerusalem, in order that they might come into contact with jealous King Herod--a person who wanted to kill Jesus.

    No, it was my idea that god helped them w their desire to see jesus. Herod getting in the way is purely a side event. Imagine how the three magicians must have felt after seeing jesus. Maybe god felt that the risk was worth it.

    That so-called "risk" that you refer to cost the lives of a number of innocent young boys (2 years of age and under), and it was even foretold. Thus, YOU would have the Almighty being guilty of being the cause of the death of all those young boys--all for the sake of helping a group of Magi fulfil "their desire to see jesus".

    Yes, according to YOUR idea, the Amighty himself wanted Jesus dead [at the time he was merely a child].

    Does not the bible say that it was iether jesus of god himself who came up w the ransom plan? It's not me then, is it?

    See what I've added inside the brackets, above? Did I need to make it that much more clear to you? Apparently so! The "ransom plan" wasn't to have Jesus die as a young child. It was indeed Satan's plan to have him die before he could grow up.


  • Schizm
    Even if it was from Satan, it just goes to show....--Czar.

    If the "star" was indeed from Satan, who (besides some nincompoop perhaps) would want the consarned thing inhabiting the very highest point on their Christmas tree? For a person to glorify a tool as used by Satan in an attempt to kill Jesus is certainly not a way to honor the person whose name is found in the celebration of "Christmas".


  • Satanus
    The "ransom plan" wasn't to have Jesus die as a young child.

    The idea of having jesus die was stated in genesis, not by satan, but by god. So, it was gods idea. Blame him. Anyway, jesus was a perfect baby, was he not? As a perfect child, his life would have paid for the perfect life that adam forfeited, no? 'Course, this was all god's idea, not satan's.

    YOU would have the Almighty being guilty of being the cause of the death of all those young boys--all for the sake of helping a group of Magi fulfil "their desire to see jesus".

    I see. Well then, by your way of thinking, god would be guilty of untold death and suffering that befell people who were near, as a result or a side effect of he or his people doing his will.


  • Schizm
    The "ransom plan" wasn't to have Jesus die as a young child.

    The idea of having jesus die was stated in genesis, not by satan, but by god. So, it was gods idea. Blame him. Anyway, jesus was a perfect baby, was he not? As a perfect child, his life would have paid for the perfect life that adam forfeited, no? 'Course, this was all god's idea, not satan's.

    It was Satan who created the need for a ransom sacrifice, not God Almighty. So, no, I won't be blaming God. I place the blame where it rightfully belongs, namely on Satan. And you're wrong also for arguing that the death of Jesus as a mere 2-year old child would've satisfied the price of a ransom. Jesus had to prove faithful until death in order for him to qualify as a fit ransom sacrifice for rescuing mankind out of sin and death. It was only after he had grown to become a mature man that he did that.

    YOU would have the Almighty being guilty of being the cause of the death of all those young boys--all for the sake of helping a group of Magi fulfil "their desire to see jesus".

    I see. Well then, by your way of thinking, god would be guilty of untold death and suffering that befell people who were near, as a result or a side effect of he or his people doing his will.


    That's about as clear as mud. Want to make another stab at clearing up the murky waters of what you're trying to say?


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