Follow the Star All the Way to Bethlehem

by Schizm 104 Replies latest jw friends

  • czarofmischief
    If the "star" was indeed from Satan, who (besides some nincompoop perhaps) would want the consarned thing inhabiting the very highest point on their Christmas tree? For a person to glorify a tool as used by Satan in an attempt to kill Jesus is certainly not a way to honor the person whose name is found in the celebration of "Christmas".

    By that reason, since the bread and wine are symbols of the murder of Christ (for which all humanity hears collective guilt, BTW, including YOU) we shouldn't be referencing THOSE things either. The reason we do is because the murder of Christ was turned by God into the greatest victory for Good in the history of mankind. And the star is placed on top as a symbol that even our Misleader cannot ruin God's purpose for all of us. That's even if you think it's from Satan. I don't.

    And who are YOU to suddenly pop up and say that Christians need to change the way we've been doing things for two thousand years? Suddenly a moral high horse appears out of Heaven for widdle bitty Schizzy to ride?

    Strain the gnat, schizzy, and gulp down those camels...


  • prophecor

    Dammit Gumby, You Did It Again!!!

    Merry Christmas and in the words of the infamous Rodney King,

    Can't We All Just Get Along!!!

    HO x3

  • Sunchild

    This whole discussion seems kind of pointless to me since I know full well that it can only lead to nowhere, but I will answer this question for you.

    I take you to mean that the idea that Satan had planned to use Herod as an agent to kill the child Jesus is not reasonable. I personally don't find such an idea to be so unbelievable. So why do you? Care to explain?

    Simple: there were far, far easier and more sensible ways to get the job done. Satan could just as easily have entered the body of one of the shepherds in attendance and had said shepherd try to kill the infant Jesus right then and there. Heck, he could even have sent one of his Servants O' Darkness to do it if he wanted to... but he didn't. If a simple mortal creature such as myself could think of that, it seems a little weird to me that Mr. Evil himself would go with such an unnecessarily complicated scheme. I mean, c'mon, hasn't he read the Evil Overlord List?

    ~Rochelle, at her parents' house and in a goofy mood.

  • Schizm


    Okay, so you apparently would argue that God, rather than Satan, was the source of the "star". Since to you it "seems a little weird that Satan would go with such an unnecessarily complicated scheme," please tell us why you think that God would? Most church-goers believe that God caused the "star" to shine, and used it to guide the Magi to Jesus. Would you not also classify that way of doing things as being "an unnecessarily complicated scheme"? To be consistant I think you would have to. Well, wouldn't it have been much simpler if God had just appeared to the Magi in a dream and informed them of Jesus' whereabouts? After all, that's exactly what He did later. After they had found Jesus did God not appear to the Magi in a dream, warning them not to go back to their homeland via Jerusalem?

    I personally don't see the manner in which Satan went about trying to accomplish the death of the child as "an unnecessarily complicated scheme". For a person who is capable of performing "lying signs and portents," it must not have been too awfully difficult for Satan to produce such a "star". And surely it wasn't too complicated for Satan to have known a bit about the personality of Herod, and how jealous he was of his throne. I think you understand what I'm saying without any need for me to go further.

    I don't think Satan's scheme of using this so-called "star" in order to put the Magi in contact with a person whom Satan knew would want to kill Jesus is "complicated" at all. Instead, it's rather ingenious. The only reason it didn't work was due to God's intervention.


  • Schizm


    There's a difference between the bread and wine as symbols, and that of the star as a symbol. The bread and wine are honorable, but the star is not.


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    schizim: you should read matthew chapter 2 closely. you will see it was the jewish leaders, who first told herod about the star. and how it was forfullment of prophecy. IT WAS NOT THE MAGI. THE MAGI ONLY TOLD HEROD ,WHEN THEY SAW THE STAR. and never returned to herod. only the wt would say it's wrong to follow in the foot steps, of the angels, shepherds, magi celebrating , worshipping the birth , of christ the prophecied lord and savior. jesus. christ. simple bible truth , that only DOPES, AND HATERS, OF GOD'S KINGDOM IN HEAVEN , WHICH THE LEADERS OF THE WT KNOW THEY WILL NEVER SEE.. SO THE GOD IN BROOKLYN (SATAN) FULLS JW MINDS ,WITH DOPE, AND HATE, SO THEY CAN BUILD YOU WT TREASURES ON EARTH. AND DRAG, THIER FLOCK OVER THE CLIFF, STRAIGHT INTO THE ETERNAL PIT OF FIRE . SET UP FOR FALSE PROPHETS LIKE THE WTBTS. JOHN

  • czarofmischief
    There's a difference between the bread and wine as symbols, and that of the star as a symbol. The bread and wine are honorable, but the star is not.

    Oh, that's delightful! Please, elaborate upon this, Schizzy! Why is bread and wine honorable but a star is not? Don't run away now, talk to me. Why?


  • Schizm

    Like you deserve to know?





  • Schizm


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