Follow the Star All the Way to Bethlehem

by Schizm 104 Replies latest jw friends

  • Schizm
    But... isn't Herod the one who made the choice to kill those children?

    Yes, it was Herod's decision to do that. But the reason he did it is what's important. He did it because the Magi had tipped him off about a rival king having been born. The "star" is the reason that Herod came to learn of one destined to become king.

    And how do you know that he wouldn't have done something similar anyway, with or without the star?

    What reason would he have had for doing this if it hadn't been for the star? It was due to the star that Herod came to know about the birth of this "king".

    And if you follow your own line of reasoning far back enough, wouldn't that make God responsible for all the world's evil since He created the angel who became Satan in the first place?

    No, it wouldn't. Just as you said, the angel who became Satan wasn't created corrupt. He became corrupt on his own. God isn't responsible for OUR actions. It's we ourselves who are responsible for what we do.

    Personally, I think it's silly to point at everything in the world as being part of a Satanic plot, and it seems a bit far-reaching to try and link the choice some evil human [Herod] made with Satan's Elaborate (and I do mean elaborate) Scheme. That kind of thinking tends to make a person paranoid, and it also removes the element of personal responsibility.

    I take you to mean that the idea that Satan had planned to use Herod as an agent to kill the child Jesus is not reasonable. I personally don't find such an idea to be so unbelievable. So why do you? Care to explain?


  • gumby

    Merry Christmas from Gumby....dammit !

    After reading along here....I was curious if Satan was so bent on destroying little Jesus.....why didn't he just kill him himself? Satan has power doesn't he? Why would Satan need to use the Magi and Herod to bring about Jesus death? Is that the best Satan can do?

    BTW...anyone who cares to do a little re-search will find there is absolutely zero documentation that Herod ever killed any kids at 2 years of age and under. Had such a catastrophic event have really happened....Josephus would have mentioned it in his writings , yet no such event was ever mentioned.


  • Satanus

    Hey gumby claus

    How are the christmas cookies?

    Herod was more powerful than satan, obviously. Scizmatics super smart, super powerful devil couldn't do stuff that herod could. Makes you wonder about this herod guy. Maybe he was superman or batman in his spare time. Or maybe schism's satan is just a convenient scapegoat. You know, you can't have a good story without a bad guy.


  • gumby

    Satanclaus....your right about every hero having a bad guy to deal with.

    As for the cookies....I won't see them till this evening when I get to Seattle. I'll eat a couple for ya!


  • Satanus
  • Schizm
    After reading along here....I was curious if Satan was so bent on destroying little Jesus.....why didn't he just kill him himself? Satan has power doesn't he? Why would Satan need to use the Magi and Herod to bring about Jesus death? Is that the best Satan can do?

    According to your reasoning Satan should've just killed Jesus himself rather than going the route of having Judas betray him, with the result that he was impaled.

    Ever heard of such a thing as a "hit man"?


  • Satanus

    Wouldn't satan be the best hitman in the galaxy? Herod screwed up in trying to get jesus.


  • gumby

    Satanclaus.......Satan fell years ago and injured himself in the fall and now he can't kick anyones ass....let alone baby Jesus. He has henchmen that do his dirty work for him known as demons. These little mean bastards make pigs go over cliffs and make certain ones have epileptic seisures and stuff. One thing about these guys though, they are afraid of Jesus there's no way in hell their gonna try and snuff out the newborn king. Besides....his dad would kick their arse before their time cuz he loses his temper a lot.


  • Pole


    You tend to always stick to "what is written". Which is why your posts are more than just jokes.


  • prophecor

    Bonezz Wins The Argument...Handz Down...Break em off again Bonezz!!!

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