With all due respect Flower, I am not British, and I knew the intent.I was taught by a dear (now departed) friend not to say anything that isn't kind and nothing that isn't necessary to say. Something to think about, isn't it?
Mulan, I realize that you got the intent as did some others. Many who responded though, who are intelligent and kind and wise didnt get it though and spoke very specifically about the incident and the people involved. I thought it was wierd to say dont mention the person in a thread which was about the person... until it was explained. Anyway I get it now. Not to get off subject but regarding your other statment....Your friend was probably a very nice person and I'm sorry you lost them. But I happen to disagree with that statement..the part about never saying anything that isnt kind. I think that all emotions are valid and should be felt not just the good ones. Anger, sadness, jealousy, grumpyness ect are all part of being human and so should be felt and expressed when appropriate just like positive feelings. Controlled of course but expressed not stiffled and buried inside. I tell my son when he gets mad for some reason that its ok to feel mad and that i understand why he feels mad. That way he knows that his feelings are valid. Then I tell him even though its ok to feel that way he has to control it and is not allowed to hurt anyone when he feels that way, physically or with words. He is allowed to say "i feel very angry because jane did....!" He is not allowed to say "I hate jane, she is stupid" for example. I guess I spent too many years not being allowed to express any feelings so I cherish all of them now and I will continue to express them. I try to do so respectfully and with the other persons feelings in mind. Obviously I dont always do that and when I dont and I realize it, I try to apologize. But the idea of living in a happy paradise where everyone was always kind and loving and never uttered a negative thought never really appealed to me even when I was a jw and waiting for it to become reality. sorry for getting off track there. back to the kilt discussion.