Well said, Mulan!
Sexual Harassment
by LittleToe 163 Replies latest jw friends
Personally, I don't take my speaking of RHCP in front of her back lightly. It's a concious decision, and I think it's the right thing to do. I know she's likely reading this, I know she's embarrassed, I know she'd do anything to make it not have happened. Unfortunately, that last is impossible.
It's just better all around to deal with it head on, but with sufficient sympathy, empathy, and humor. So, that's how I hope she'll deal with it, and that's how I'm gonna deal with it. Things can get even uglier than this when they are handled "backchannel".
Also, I hope RHCP won't make "posting on JWD" a key point in her life's progress from here forward.
I just want certain ones to remember that they weren't there. I don't want this thread to turn into a thread that I have to lock. What has been said so far is all right. Just keep those things in mind that I said towards the bottom of page 5. ..............that 99.9% of you were not there and are not entitled to an opinion about any of it.
Even royalty has to deal with this stuff (the picture has been retouched, btw, the dude is definitely going commando in the unretouched version):
yeah Sixy but you'll notice that the Queen's hands are respectfully folded on her lap
I agree with you Mulan, if you read my comments, I have been having a two way with Ross, a speculative argument about sociology.
Yes, her behavior was unacceptable (from what I hear), but even if she has not apologized to the appropriate people in an appropriate manner, from what another poster mentioned on the ride home, she was embarrassed, humiliated and apologetic. It does take a lot of courage to pull up out of the shame to apologize to someone. Perhaps it will just take her time to get there.
That's what I was thinking too. I feel bad for all sides involved in this, but I am not going to judge RHCP either. It isn't my place. It's between those involved, but I would hope that (and knowing the kind heart that both Princess and Ross have) those hurt will allow RHCP time to get over her embarrassment because I am sure if that is how she really feels that a heartfelt apology will be coming in the near future.
I don't recall that I have done anything as extreem as this but I do know that I have hurt someone in the past but was so embarrassed that I couldn't even face the person for a long time. I had asked someone else to please tell them I was sorry and that when I got the courage to tell them in person that I would do so. I know that is the cowards way out but sometimes embarrassment is so over powering you just can't face a person.
That blue-coated soldier in drag will certainly make the enemy quiver in fear. A very cunning disguise. Imagine that running at you at full pace waving a Browning automatic and screaming, "My husband and I are going to blow your brains out". It's enough to make an Ivan terrible.
Well I guess your too sexy for your skirt ! LOL@Frenchbabyface for singing to you
Seriously, I think it is the height of rudeness. Please don't think all Americans or even many Americans would find it acceptable behavior.
Mulan.."I just want certain ones to remember that they weren't there. I don't want this thread to turn into a thread that I have to lock. What has been said so far is all right. Just keep those things in mind that I said towards the bottom of page 5. ..............that 99.9% of you were not there and are not entitled to an opinion about any of it."
I dont know of any reason why a person cannot have an opinion on something without having been in a situation. Sometimes that opinion may be based on less experience or be worth less to the person asking than someone who has experienced it but they are still entitled. The very first definition of the word opinion is contrary to your statement. "A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof"
I may be in the minority but imo there are very few situations in life where a group of people should be told they arent entitled to their opinion. I personally would say too that a person who is looking in on a situation rather than 'living' it can often give a more unbiased opinion so if I were looking for opinions about something I would most certainly ask them as well.