flower, I'm British like Little Toe, and in our culture we can quite easily carry off the intellectual exchange as intended. If I have you right, you are wrong.
Sexual Harassment
by LittleToe 163 Replies latest jw friends
i hope everybody who has hurt feelings gets over it eventually and life can go on for all involved.
Ballistic is right.
Woman: So, is it true that you Scot's wear nothing under your kilt?
Man: I'm not telling!
Woman: <tries to look up man's kilt>
Man: Now now, we'll be having none of that
Woman: <sigh> OK
Woman: <tries to look up man's kilt>
Man: Now now, stop it please
Woman: <tries to look up man's kilt and take a photo>
Man: Quit it you crazy b*tch
Woman: ME... WANT... SEE.... WEENER
Man: <screams like Woman>
hehe hehhehe he
Big Tex
If I saw a man in kilt, since it's not often that I do, I would ABSOLUTELY ask him is he was wearing any undies
I have no problem with that, and I didn't when I've worn my kilt (long story, I got one on a dare; it grew out of the Dallas 2003 fest). Actually at that little doo, someone had a camera and was determined to find the secret under the kilt. I'm very good at dodgeball.
But I think a line is crossed with touching, at least it is with me. Ask, tease, laugh doesn't bother me, but to touch is invasive and unwelcome.
"flower, I'm British like Little Toe, and in our culture we can quite easily carry off the intellectual exchange as intended. If I have you right, you are wrong."
here in certain parts of american culture there is a popular saying "keep it real". it means dont pretend, dont beat around the bush, but just tell it like it is. that is more what many are used around here thus its only natural we might have missed the 'intent' and how we were supposed to respond. -
With all due respect Flower, I am not British, and I knew the intent.
I was taught by a dear (now departed) friend not to say anything that isn't kind and nothing that isn't necessary to say. Something to think about, isn't it?
you learn something new every day.
thanks flower
Big Tex
here in certain parts of american culture there is a popular saying "keep it real". it means dont pretend, dont beat around the bush, but just tell it like it is
Little Toe said:
I intentionally wanted this thread to be wider than the Fest incident because:
A) it's been on my mind for some time, and
B) the issue is wider than that, and
C) the Fest incident was wider than that, too.Sounds like he's keeping it real to me. I understood that LT wanted to talk about sexual harassment, and not about whatever happened in Seattle.
But what do I know?
Steve wrote:
Keeping it "general"...
I like to approach an individual from the conservative side, conveying a sense of dignity toward them, even if they may not be projecting one themselves. My manner might change as I become more familiar with that individual, but I still maintain a conservative boundary toward the opposite sex, and any activity which might be interpreted as invasive, possibly stripping them of their dignity.
Most of the people I've met from this board, without articulating it, seem to follow a similar standard.
This is really a good way to put it. For me though, it is a little different. I love to mess around and joke with women, and they know I'm not a threat. With guys, I very much behave myself, until I figure out what they might be comfortable with.
I will always respect the boundaries of another human, and I expect the same. If I have crossed a line with a person, I apologize to them.