"I feel bad for all those involved especially Princess. I also understand no one knew the level of RHCP's illness. I do, I saw it show itself when she was posting using her husbands screen name and accusing him of things he did not do. Her inconsistencies were just too blatant for me and a hand full of others to ignore. Like in many cases on this board, someone screams foul and a cheer leading section quickly forms based on limited knowledge and similar experience. After her husband and I had a discussion on the phone he confirmed my suspicions of her strange comments based on her post. His comments to me were not in a manner to put her down or make her look bad but more in an effort to try and have at least a couple of peope better understand her heart breaking problem. Her condition is not her fault but she knows better than to drink. A rational mind will keep that problem in check, an unrational mind will not."
Good Call Dave. I didn't involve myself, frankly I'm OVER the institionalized cheering section (which does no on any good, and in many cases does harm) that is what this discussion board seems to have become, but this was definitely a person in full breakdown mode.
As I said, anyone who does not have their shit together, should not get drunk. If that is a majority of us, so be it.