Bizarre news story

by BoozeRunner 118 Replies latest jw friends

  • kenyata

    To Claudia,

    I understand your statement. No he should not have anymore kids, as I stated. Would you prefer the courts give him years in jail where we the tax payers are taking care of him and making sure he has 3 square meals a day, cable tv, enough exercise, and if his kids are on the system, we the tax payers are taking care of them. Or would you prefer that the courts order him to get a decent paying job and pay his money and take care of his own kids? Would you speak differently if they were talking about a female? If a female kept having kids by different guys and leaving after a while and leaves the kids with their daddies and keeps having baby after baby. And she owed thousands of dollars for her kids.

  • bigboi

    Hey All:

    I think it's crazy to put a person in jail for not paying child support. If they're in jail how are they supposed to support them then? Then you have a parent and the children as burdens to the system. Not to mention the added stigma of being a convicted felon upon their release, that's just gonna make it that much harder to become gainfully employed. It's simply ridiculous.

    Again what about the women in this instance. They made the same mistake with this guy two times one of em 3 times. They knew this guy was triflin, but they chose to mother not one but two and three of his children. Blame should be spread equally in this instance if he is required not to have sex then they should be placed under the same restrictions.

    Kenyata has a point. Although I think a woman does have a right to choose, why can't men be afforded the same rights? Why should men be forced to take care of kids that they maybe didn't want to begin with because a woman choose to have the child against his wishes? Is it riht in such a circumstance to force a man to support a kid his doesn't want, when women have the right to rid themselves of that responsibility if they so choose?



    "it ain't what ya do. it's how you do it" quote from the song "True Honeybunz" by Bahamadia

  • BoozeRunner

    There are so many sides to this issue-it is a heated one, no doubt.

    Bigboi, the key here is that this guy fathered NINE children, and obviously hasn't the means to support them.
    Do the women share responsibility? ABSOLUTELY!!!
    But obviously, they do have the added burden of day-to-day custody.

    I do believe that if this case went to the US SUPREME COURT, it would either be ruled unconstitutional, or no ruling would be made.
    I also believe that no court would toss a woman in jail for having too many kids. The uproar would be too great.
    It is interesting to note that of the justices on the WI Supreme Court, the dissenters were WOMEN!!!
    Perhaps thy see a dangerous precedent being set. Could women be next?


  • bigboi


    Yep, that's true he fathered nine children, but their mothers are the ones who CHOSE to have those children. If he simply refuses to take care of the kids then the mother shouldn't have had children with him to begin with. Birds of a feather flock together, sorry ass women have kids for sorry ass men. As the article mentioned the state has no right to legislate these matters. There are too many mitigating circumstanes to wholly denounce either side in cases like this. Like you said women bear some reponsibilty too, but there exists here an obvious double standard.



    "it ain't what ya do. it's how you do it" quote from the song "True Honeybunz" by Bahamadia

  • kenyata

    To boozerunner,

    He did, as far as we know, father these 9 kids. I think that later on he'll try to bring in an excuse to have DNA tests brought in to maybe excuse him from some responsibility. Its not the issue that hee doesn't have a means to take care of them, its the fact that he doesn't want to. I believe he has a job but he just doesn't want to shed out those checks everymonth. There's a big difference with someone who has a job and can pay vs someone who doesn't have a job and can't pay. And these kids aren't burdens, they're blessings from God just like any other kids are, they just have parents who have serious issues and need help. Its unfortunet that kids have to be born into that type mess but what can they do, they are the innocent bystanders in all this. The females bare much responsibility to. If a guy can go to jail for having to many kids and get a good uproar, why can't a female? Females have wanted equal rights, now they do. What's the difference. They should treat guys the same way they treat females. The mothers weren't raped, they consented to sex just like he did, they aren't innocent. And they didn't tell him he couldn't have sex, they told him not to have any more kids unless he proves that he can take care of the ones he has and any future ones.

  • peaceloveharmony

    hey everyone, interesting topic here. i just want to clear up some misconceptions regarding "deadbeat" dads and jail time served.

    i can only speak for minnesota since this is where i live and work. but here, i know that contempt hearings (where the judge CAN send you to jail) are a last resort effort for non-cooperative, non-paying fathers (and mothers, there are some of those too!) first thing we consider is if the mother is on Public Assistance or if PA arrears are owed to the county. if yes, then the county will start the ball rolling if a father is unable to pay his court ordered support. the court then has many options, for example: court ordered to attend various employment programs the county sponsers; court ordered to find a job, hearing will be continued and father will need to bring job applications back; suspend driver's license (this one really gets non paying parents moving!); suspend or deny passport; or report to the credit bureaus. the final, last straw an agency will do is file contempt against the non paying parent. but contempt rarely ever works and rarely does a judge send someone to jail. usually, what a judge will do is order more of the same as listed above. so when you hear of a father being sent to jail, you may think it happens all the time but in reality it doesn't happen all that much and that is WHY you are hearing about it...because it is rare.

    i'm still not sure how to take this article. it will be very interesting indeed to see what stems from this ruling.


    ps. wanted to add, in child support cases where the mother is not on PA, the county will never bring anything to court. we will of course do the automated collection tools (DL suspension, passport, credit reporting). and if the mother wants to file charges and bring contempt against the father, we would tell her that contempt rarely ever results in what she would be expecting.

    "If God has spoken, why is the world not convinced?"
    ..........Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet (1792-1822)

  • claudia

    Kenyata, I would not think any different if it were a woman, I said I think he should be in jail on WORK RELEASE, and also pay for his room and board there. I cant stand dead beat parents period, man or woman.

  • kenyata

    To bigboi,

    As I said before, these females chose to have sex with him, unprotected at that. If you know that your going to be sexually active, get bc, foam, gel, iud,cap, female condom, have a supply of everything, the shot, what ever. If the guy says you take care of bc or he doesn't want to use anything then that means you don't open your legs. These kids aren't mistakes or accidents. These parents knew what they were doing when they had unprotected sex. I'm so sick and tired of people calling kids mistakes and accidents. This is 2001, people know enough put the sex organs in the right place and they know enough to use something if they didn't want any kids or didn't want any diseases. Obviously, they didn't care. If the judge can order him to not have any more kids under certain circumstances unless he can pay up and continue to, then he should be able to order the mothers not to have any more kids also. The mothers should have jobs regardless to whether daddy dearest does anyways. When the kids get older, they'll understand what their sperm donar was about.

  • kenyata

    To Claudia,

    I hear what your saying. All and all, its the kids that are suffering.

    To Peaceloveharmoney,

    For where I live, which is in Buffalo, NY, their last resort is jail and if it does come down to that, they can only sent you there for 6 months. That's 6 months worth of cs that when the ncp gets out of jail, the cp will take them back to court and then they'll really be owed money. And as far as the driving license, people know how to catch the bus or drive other people's cars, happens all the time. With the license also, if the ncp sends in a payment of a nice amount, they'll restore it anyways. The ncp could send in $10 or 20 a week and that would satisfy them. There's ways of getting around the system, if you really want to.

  • BoozeRunner

    Very Good Points from all.
    I do believe that a double standard is beig imposed here. I think we would be hard pressed to find such a case involving a women who gives birth to 9 kids who would be court-ordered to NOT do it again. Normally a woman would have her children taken away if she does not care for them.
    Obviously, in this case, the dad is the non-custodial parent.
    Like I said earlier, I believe the female dissenters on the court see a dangerous precedent being set, not just along gender lines, but in the continued erosion of freedoms here in the US.
    However, if one abuses his or her reproductive freedoms, and children continue to suffer, what other choice did the court have?
    It will be interesting to see how Mr. Oakley proceeds.

    I believe there is pretty much a nationwide effort to collect child-support $$. That is why I said he may not be able to support the 9 kids. I know there cracks in the system, but I know several non-custodial dads whose paychecks are garnished from other states. So, I am trying not to go beyond the info in the article since these are the only facts I am privy to.


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