It's all the Jehovah's Witnesses Fault!!.......Or is it??

by ScoobySnax 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • ScoobySnax
    ScoobySnax scruffy haired BASTARD......this is still my thread.

    mmmm...the steak was nice, just one more thread before bed....

    JT ......I understand all that you posted, and the concerns raised. I was taken aback however when people who easily switched on the charm for her in her original posts, were just as quick to switch them off again once she'd made her choice. This happens so many times. That doesn't strike me as a true friend as you say, more a fairweather kind that still lives in that "black and white" mentality.

    Time for be now.


  • JamesThomas

    Valis, I don't know much about old Rambo, and have never read "Be Here Now".

    So, tell me, as a heathen, what do you think about what he had to say.....not that I would be able to make sense out of what you thought sense I don't know much about him.


  • Valis

    British beef is horrid WTF were you thinking?


    District Overbeer

  • JamesThomas

    All I can say Scoob, is sometimes what can seem unkind is an honest effort at kindness. Having holly return to JWism brought up deep screams of grief and confusion in some.

    That said, i in no way wish to subtract from those who expressed what generally is seen as kind words. If I have discovered anything in this life it is that we all do the best we can, with what we know.


  • JamesThomas

    I wasn't thinking.

    I did that once, and have been paying for it ever sense.

  • seesthesky

    jt - nice verb usage

  • JamesThomas

    After as much scotch, it's surprising I can use a verb at all.

  • ScoobySnax

    Thanks JT, well said.

    be good.

  • JamesThomas


  • hillary_step


    In effect, sitting behind a screen reading it, it sounds like the worst kind of elder you ever knew, having no compassion, understanding or reasoning abilities

    Well I guess that compassion for the JW's is not an easy thing to find on an XJW discussion board it is true, too much blood on the tracks for that, and it often does make for some very uncomfortable reading.

    But lacking 'understanding' and 'reasoning'! You missed the boat on that one. It is exactly *because* of having an understanding of the true situation and reasoning on it that posters become so impatient with those who do *not* use understanding and reason, as Holly clearly has not.

    Claiming to have researched her way back into the WTS is evidence of a person who either has done no real research, or who is living in denial. Either way, do not expect people to pat her on the back and support her actions.


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