It's all the Jehovah's Witnesses Fault!!.......Or is it??

by ScoobySnax 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • Odrade

    LOL! Scooby, you are right. I do persist in viewing you as favorable to the WTS society, when really that may not be entirely accurate. I think it is true though, that you may not encourage people directly to go back, but you have to admit it often appears that you applaud people who do. It's a matter of perception. You may not be sitting at the bar next to them going "go back, go back," but to the xJW sitting next to you, it may sound like you are.

    If that isn't your intent, it's not very clear. Maybe the better question would be why are you a fence sitter? What is it about the JWs that you still think is right? Do you think Holly made a wise decision in joining the JWs, especially in light of her disagreement with some basic JW doctrine?

    I think, like you, most of us do wish her the best. But most of us are very concerned that she is making a very bad decision, and realize that likely she is letting herself in for a LOT of heartache.

  • bikerchic

    good one Chris:

    But there came the day when it hit me, as clear and crystal as a full moon. I could not do this any longer. To hell with Nina, to hell with eternal life, to hell with everything I believed to be true. I had to accept myself for who I really was. It was terribly frightening, but exhilirating at the same time. It was the first time in my life that I trusted myself. The second scariest thing was then to make the stand with others.

    To thy own self be true.....

    ....and a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. A couple of quotes I think fit here.

    Scooby it's ok to beat a different drum, I'm ok and you're ok we're just different and that's ok. Why fix something that's not broken? It's your life live it, don't question the obvious. When your life is good do you give somebody else the credit? When your life is crapy do you blame it on someone else or step up to the plate and be responsible for why it's crapy? Just live life to the fullest it's too short to be miserable.


  • JamesThomas

    When the weather is fair it is fitting to wish our fellow travelers well and god's speed.

    Then there are times when simply offering sweet goody-byes may not be the kindest thing. Like when a person is about to drink poison, or step onto a rattle snake, or return to JWism. Then, a slap up side the head may be the most altruistic.


  • bikerchic

    Oh darn it say the bestest things!

  • ScoobySnax

    Oh my goodness Odrade!! Can't you just leave me sitting at the bar?!! Its late here and I've had enuff beer for one night. You raise some very good points that I want to answer, but you ever get that fuzzy feeling after a few beers? Well I is there right now! And whats more, I popped into Safeways on the way home tonight and got myself a slab of cow (sirloin stake) and its just begging to be fried.

    Tommorow or the next day, depending on rate of my hangover versus time, feel free to ask me those same questions again. I mean that.

    Be good


  • talesin

    JamesThomas, I can't believe you just said that! Can't imagine you slapping anyone upside the head. I guess that proves what was earlier said, we can't assume we know what's going on inside other folks' heads.

    I think a friend of mine may be making the choice to stay in the Borg for family reasons. It makes me feel heartsick - maybe this friend needs a figurative smack. Hmmmm,,,, thanks for the food for thought.

    Scoobs - hi, guy! You sound well, and that's a good thing. :grinning:

    I feel bad for ya, though, your poor arse must be getting awfully sore from sitting on that darn fence! I sure hope it's of the stone wall variety, and not made of pickets !!!

    J/K, you know it.


  • Odrade

    Drinkin' a pint o' Guinness right now! Here's to ya' Scooby!

  • ScoobySnax

    I wanted to quote Kate's above post, but through an alcoholic haze and computer illteracy couldn't.

    Kate..... thats why you'll be a cut above the rest, along with Nina. In fact if I was a straight guy I'd have this fantasy of you and Nina and........ but I don't.

    Good job I'm a poof. Now to fry some cow.


  • JamesThomas


    I understand your feelings and interpretation of what some said on Holly's fair-well thread as unkind. It could easily be seen that way.

    However, there are many -- may I say MOST -- here that are exquisitely aware of the harm and emotional scares that the JW cult can inflict. To see one who we have welcomed and embraced with open arms return to harms-way can awaken deep emotional wounds. What can you do when you see a friend stepping over a cliff, and you are able to scream a warning only via the internet?

    I feel that if you reread holly's thread you may be able to see in what before seemed unkindness, as simply a confused and caring person screaming "we love you, please don't go!".


  • Valis

    James Thomas, on a side not I turned FMZ on to Ram Das' Be Here Now while he was here in town.. amazing how you can keep those heathens occupied for hours...*LOL*


    District Overbeer


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