Where was that verse in Luke that said ".....If they say the End is near, do not follow them......."????
Erasmus (1520 AD): "If we want truth, every person ought to be free to speak what they think without fear."
by You Know 81 Replies latest jw friends
Where was that verse in Luke that said ".....If they say the End is near, do not follow them......."????
Erasmus (1520 AD): "If we want truth, every person ought to be free to speak what they think without fear."
By what authority do you speak?
That's exactly what the Jews asked Jesus. I speak by the same authority whom Jesus cited. Didn't the apostle say that Christians should be ready to make a defense of their faith before everyone that demands it of them? This is a forum that demands that Jehovah's Witnesses answer for why they continue to believe that this system is going to be ending any time soon, so I have made a presentation of why I personally believe that the system is going down---soon.
Does God whisper these predictions in your ear?
No, of course not. I simply study his word very, very, intensely, as well as seek out alternative news sources that bypass the news lock imposed by the Anglo media cartel. Jehovah does say that he would raise up watchmen who would be like posted lookouts who report to others what they see.
It doesn't sound very loyal to the Organization, all these predictions of yours!
The truth is bigger than the Watchtower organization, but as Paul said, 'we can do nothing against the truth, only for the truth.'
Do you feel because you are of the anointed that you have some special insight?
You yourself have said it. LOL
How come you don't write the Society and let them know your predictions, because after all, you claim to be part of the FDS?
I write them tons of stuff. In due time I am confident that the things a few of us now only guardedly whisper, will eventually be preached from the rooftops. / You Know
I dont see Aguest, Kes152 etc refusing to repeat their knowledge, just because others might not accept it. What makes YOU so different?
What makes me different is that I actually know the truth.
Consider: Jesus once took Peter, James, and John up to the top of a mountain and showed them a vision of his heavenly glory. Interestingly, Jesus commanded them not to tell the vision to anyone, including the other disciples, until after Jesus was resurrected. Likewise, there is a rather large body of truth that Jehovah has concealed from his organization at the present time, only during the tribulation, which by the way corresponds to the actual transfiguration vision, will Jehovah make a full disclosure. Ezekiel says over 60 times: "THEN they will know that I am Jehovah." So, until THEN, I am bound by the spirit not to divulge the specifics of the prophecies that Jehovah has "held in reserve," that Isaiah refers to. Secrets though are hard to keep, so I can't resist throwing out a few occasional tantalizing hints now and then. / You Know
I shared you viewpoint concerning the possibility of an Eurasian Alliance between Russia, North Korea and of course, China.
We mustn't think of this new development as a mere re-alliance of Cold War allies. This is something much different and potentially much more threatening to the fading Anglo-American power. It is not just China and Russia either. Japan is taking tenative steps to join the club as well as India and many lesser nations. They see it as the only alternative to the continued collapse of the IMF system. In actuality, those nations are practicing the principles of the American system, which ironically the United States has gradually abadoned in favor of ruling the world through globalism and usury rather than actual nation building. Here's some links to what the Survivior's Club is all about. Tell me what you think, I welcome your opinions. / You Know
>>>> http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2001/2824_russ_japan.html
You Know,
Listen to yourself your one step away from apostacy!
I write them tons of stuff. In due time I am confident that the things a few of us now only guardedly whisper, will eventually be preached from the rooftops. / You Know
I'm afraid for you You Know. Pretty soon you will be on the outside looking in. I bet you if you have written tons of stuff to the Society they are keeping an eye on you. Don't be suprised if they call you into one of their JC meetings soon.
Becareful You Know, I think trouble a foot, and that not all is well in spiritual paradise. Keep an eye on your back!
The Never Ending Search For Truth
You Know,
I used to be an elder and I know that when someone writes the Society and if they feel that this person has different veiws than what they teach they will send a letter to the PO and will not tell the sender of the letter, they did so. If your correspondance is anything like the things you posted here I feel 99% certain they've got their eye on you. So watch your back!
I mean it!
The Never Ending Search For Truth
I have read numerous articles which corroborate the details you highlight about the IMF and the state of foreign banking and dependency on currencies.
I believe our reliance on this information separates our viewpoints. Based on my present understanding of the treasury department and the decision of the US to CEASE backing paper currency with gold, I am confident that RUSSIA and other participating asian fledglings will realize the folly of Putin's decision.
The IMF loans to RUSSIA and BRAZIL in recent times have been exposed by outspoken analysts and economists. A radio broadcast (PBS MarketPlace) spoke of the crisis in RUSSIA and how the IMF loans were barely enough to keep their government afloat and that the majority of the money ended up in SWISS Bank Accounts belonging to high ranking government officials.
Since there was no longer a viable and reliable entity to enforce and establish order within the government, the IMF was reluctant to continue its contribuitory economic policy with the russians.
This is what has led to the russian mafia phenomenon and economic anarchy. So, when UN & US realize RUSSIA will establish a means for rebuilding their economy through arms trading with NORTH KOREA, CHINA, INDIA, PAKISTAN, even JAPAN and other arab nations, then the diplomatic coffers will be opened again.
Once reopened, IMF funds will flow freely into RUSSIA and then the PUTIN centralized reformist government will establish a pseudo-free market economy (which does exist, but that is a longer debate).
In the interim, these events may lead to more arms spending in the west, thus jump starting western economies again and reaching a prolonged delay away from global economic collapse.
I used to be an elder and I know that when someone writes the Society and if they feel that this person has different veiws than what they teach they will send a letter to the PO and will not tell the sender of the letter, they did so.
So far that hasn't happened and I have been writing some pretty radical stuff for years. I have been in several congregations during that time, and I have always asked the PO if they had ever heard anything from the Society about me. The answer has always been no. I even let one PO read a piece I had written that was not exactly inline with "present understanding." I think it shakes brothers up a bit, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but they know that I am not trying to mislead others away from the truth. My experience has been that the brothers at Bethel are much more tolerant than some of the local brothers. I think the thing is that the brothers recognize the ring of apostasy when they hear it. No doubt when people send in questions echoing stuff they have read in Ray Franz's books, or other apostate stuff, that will no doubt throw up an immediate red flag with them. None of my writings have any connection with the issues of Ray Franz.
If your correspondance is anything like the things you posted here I feel 99% certain they've got their eye on you.
If you only knew. I toss the crumbs to the cannine crew, while I lay the heavy stuff on full measure with my brothers at Brooklyn. I try very hard to provoke a response from them, and I know for a fact I have created some discussion among a few there. In fact, some minor adjustments in prophecy are things that I had sent in previously.
/ You Know
You Know
I think this is the last time I will ever post to you of my own accord. You sicken and disgust me beyond what you would believe.
You wont be hearing from me again unless there is a need. I dont think people need me to point out how rotten you are. They can see for themselves.
I think this is the last time I will ever post to you of my own accord.
That's actually the best news that I have heard all day!
You wont be hearing from me again unless there is a need.
I can't imagine what circumstances could possibly arise whereby I would need to hear from you. LOL / You Know