by You Know 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kent
    This is a very significant development in my opinion.

    The only significant development in this respect; would be if someone locked you up and threw away the key.

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between a fool and the JW legal department is that a fool might be sympathetic ."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • funkyderek

    This a common condition among Jehovah's Witnesses, especially the more fanatical ones. They read a prediction which, if true, would validate their belief system. A few mental gymnastics and suddenly "even the world can see that the end must be near." All this despite the fact that the article You Know linked to doesn't predict the end of the world, or even the crash of the dollar, it just reports that the Russian Central Bank is preparing for such a crash; The article appears in the decidedly suspect "Executive Intelligence Review." Sounds impressive, huh? A little delving brings up some interesting information about the editor Lyndon LaRouche. For example:
    'Nuff said.

    Ubi dubium ibi libertas

  • You Know
    You Know
    They read a prediction which, if true, would validate their belief system.

    If the prediction is true, then that validates the truth. The truth is the truth. In your condition "the truth" has become some sort of meaningless abstract. You have obviously been brainwashed by the relentless propaganda that renders all truth relative to each person's preference. In your case, you actually do have a "belief system" that has been pre-packaged and handed to you, which you accept because it is convenient and it is also popular opinion.

    A few mental gymnastics and suddenly "even the world can see that the end must be near."

    Of course a lazy-minded person would consider the act of rational thought, that breaks with popular opinion, to be some sort of "mental gymnastics," when in actuallity it is merely the excercise of one's mind in search of the truth.

    All this despite the fact that the article You Know linked to doesn't predict the end of the world, or even the crash of the dollar, it just reports that the Russian Central Bank is preparing for such a crash;

    I didn't say that Putin was touting the Chervonet because he thought the world was ending. Where did you get such an infantile idea? My post centered on the fact that the Anglo-American system is in the process of collapse because the dollar, the world's reserve currency, is on the verge of getting trashed. Presently Russians hold over 100 billion Federal Reserve notes (dollars). That's because the Ruble is not worth much. But, the fact that Russia has broken with IMF dictates and re-established a national currency in the form of the gold Chervonet is a noteworthy development for thinking people. Of course CNN or FOX news didn't consider it a newsworthy development, and they certainly aren't going to take you by the hand and walk you through the strategic implications of such a development. On the other hand, I present facts that many of you are unaware of for the purpose of challenging people to think; obviously most of you simply aren't up to that task.

    The article appears in the decidedly suspect "Executive Intelligence Review." Sounds impressive, huh?

    Why is the EIR suspect? Who suspects it, and what are they suspected of doing? Knowing the sort of mental midgets that most of you are, I seriously doubt if you have read more than a few words from the EIR. For a fact, EIR is not readable by the average adult American, who over the years has been dumbed down to the level of grade schooler. It is however read by many world leaders and policy shapers around the world. The only ones who suspect the EIR is the oligarchy establishment, who greatly fear Lyndon LaRouche, and who because of that fear, then formulate and hand you your opinion through their own media outlets and propaganda channels. You simply are using the same tatic they used on you to prejudice others into shutting down their thinking faculties. That's how it works.

    A little delving brings up some interesting information about the editor Lyndon LaRouche.

    Pasting little snipets of partial quotes from someone is one of the oldest propaganda techniques that there is. No doubt now after you read this collection of out-of-context quotes, you pathetically imagine yourself to be well-informed on the topic. Such is the mind of a typical neurotic and infantile American who has a 30 second sound bite attention span.

    'Nuff said.

    LOL. You have said anything, but I suppose it is a good idea that you leave well enough alone.

    For those interested in the LaRouche case here's a link>>>>

    Also, in regards to the dollar sistuation, here is a link to an interesting article on that topic not written by the EIR.


    / You Know

  • logical

    Lets give You Know a little space, the article did say August 19th. But when has anything YK said actually occured?

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    If you are a history buff of sorts, and enjoy topics like "Franco-Prussian War, Crimean War, WWI, WWII" then spend some time researching the preludes to these conflicts.

    Briefly, in many cases, you will that many of the agressor nations particpating in these conflicts underwent severe economical hardships, followed by restructuring and refocusing of economical, human, political, and natural resources toward the goal of expansion and preparing for conflict against "supposed" enemies.

    NAZI Germany was a brilliant example, before WWII it would take a wheelbarrow of currency to purchase one loaf of bread, and during the late thirties and early forties the Deutschmark rose to new heights in value, due to industrial engineering, manufacturing and a new economy and reorganized deutschbanke.

    Perhaps Mr. Putin has already realized what historians have known for years about Russia; namely that the russian people are not autonomists, but serfs by culture. Generations and generations of russians have served emperors, czars, premiers, and now presidents. They are not a free enterprise people. They are not intrinsicly materialistic, other than for sustenance.

    This economic maneuver by Putin is nothing more than an attempt to regain and centralize control. They have realized they are not equipped, nor understand how to implement a free market system. The only levels of control they are able to comprehend and abide with are authoritarian and centralized. Our system is based on checks and balances, without anyone retaining complete and total control.

    They do not understand how to develop a system of checks and balances for government, banking, economy,etc... They are doomed to preparing for another world war, or sinking into 19th century poverty again.

  • Englishman

    You Know,

    Same meat, different gravy.


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • You Know
    You Know

    Utopian Reformist.

    I appreciate your thoughtful repy. You are absolutely correct in your assesment of the pre-conditions for war. I have many times cited the collapse of the Richsmark back in the 1920's and the Great Depression that later engulfed the US, and much of the rest of the world, as the pre-condition that brought forth Hitler and the ensuing world war. That is in fact my point, that economic conditions are once again bringing about a situation whereby the unthinkable becomes the unavoidable.

    Where I disagree with you is with your opinion that Russia just can't make it in a so-called free-market. That's Western progaganda speaking. The fact is, the world can't make it in a so-called free market. There is no such thing. The nations are being looted to the point of absolute collapse. The facts speak for themselves that we are not in a cyclic economoic decline, as Wall Street would have us believe; but rather, it is a systemic one, which means that an entire SYSTEM is ending. That is what Putin recognizes and that's why he is taking the bold steps that he is. What Russia is doing is breaking from the post Cold War imposition of free market idealogy that has nearly brought Russia to the point of extinction as a nation. The IMF has imposed a neo-colonial yoke upon the former USSR that was designed to strip Russia of her natural resources and trash her industrial/science infrastructure as a prelude to the return of unipolar empire. Russia, China, and other nations are forming a "Surviviors Club," based upon LaRouche's ideas to form a New Silk Road of maglev based corridors of development across Eurasia, in order to try to save their national sovereignties in the face of the collapsing global financial system. In actuality, it is the Anglo-American establishment that is fomenting war around the globe through proxies in a desperate bid to break up the coalition of nations that are rallying to the "Survivoirs Club." It is shaping up to be one hell of a fight. Call it WWIII or the great tribulation, which ever you prefer. I would go in to detail to point out how this strategic development is an extrodinary fulfillment of a well-known but little understood Bible prophecy, but why should I even bother? / You Know

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    You Know,

    By what authority do you speak?

    Does God whisper these predictions in your ear?

    It doesn't sound very loyal to the Organization, all these predictions of yours!

    Do you feel because you are of the anointed that you have some special insight?

    How come you don't write the Society and let them know your predictions, because after all, you claim to be part of the FDS?

  • logical

    You Know

    I would go in to detail to point out how this strategic development is an extrodinary fulfillment of a well-known but little understood Bible prophecy,

    Which prophecy in particular?

    but why should I even bother?

    I dont see Aguest, Kes152 etc refusing to repeat their knowledge, just because others might not accept it. What makes YOU so different?

    You recieved free, give free.

    Also, I have yet to see you give credit to Jah for your "findings", if indeed thats where they come from. No, I believe you to be a FAKE, from your truly rotten fruits.

    Continue to prophecy for your god, "jehovah" and expose yourself as the fraud you really are by all means.

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    You Know:

    I shared you viewpoint concerning the possibility of an Eurasian Alliance between Russia, North Korea and of course, China.

    While the IMF is in fact secretly "extorting" Russia under the guise of forcing democratic reform and human rights, it is obvious to the discerning eye that Russia does in fact possess natural resources which would be easier to obtain for the Anglo-Americans than attempting to "strong-arm" the arab world.

    Natural resources and their defense are the real "green" issue facing the anglo alliance. This missile shield is a perfect example. Now, where I tend to disagree with you is the point you expressed about the economic domino effect arising from the collapse of certain currencies.

    I see Russia's manuever more as an attempt to build collateral for future arms trading of legacy stockpiles in Soviet Munitions more than fear of the dollar. Putin realizes the playing field is not level, and must maintain control over Russia's natural resources while developing a vehicle for recovery.

    While the long-term effects may transpire according to your conclusions, the total collapse of the global economy is in fact very far away.

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