It would appear that you have been watchting way too many Looney Toons man. I wonder if you even have the intellectual capacity to comment on the actual content of one of my threads? How old are you anyway? / You Know
by You Know 81 Replies latest jw friends
It would appear that you have been watchting way too many Looney Toons man. I wonder if you even have the intellectual capacity to comment on the actual content of one of my threads? How old are you anyway? / You Know
You Know,
Do mean Your Twisted versions of Bible prophecies where there really isn't any Bible Prophecy.
Verses that you say talk not about future events, but for the most part they have aready happened a long time ago and don't even point to some future 2nd fulfillment.
I don't take seriously any one who claims to interpet Scripture and know when the end is comming been there do that once with the Big WT.
Fooled me once shame on you, fooled me twice shame on me.
You Know,
I'm 48.
You are spouting a great pile of nonsense. You need to get a solid
education before you go on repeating such garbage - about history,
politics or anything else.
The US has been off the gold standard for many years. I suppose the
wealth created since then is purely imaginary - likewise that of
the rest of the Western world. Gold is inefficient because it
just lays there in storage, requiring armed guards - unlike modern
banking practices which allow fractional reserves. Currencies
are NOT purely "fiat" - they are backed by the very real wealth
of the nation - and the ability of the government to tax that wealth.
You raise an issue that becomes more and more irrelevant everyday
- currencies will 'harden' internationally and stabilize over time
because international trade WILL DEMAND IT! Take a college course
on Money and Banking! (I have)
As for LaRouche's hatred of the British and your repitition of
his claims about it - more nonsense. A few honest historians have
pointed out that British colonial authority existed because the
NATIVES supported and APPROVED of it!. The numbers of colonial
rulers in India were utterly tiny compared to the populace - who
could have thrown them out, if they collectively wished it.
And as for your Brooklyn Masters, they WILL COMPROMISE,
they WILL mainstream and they WILL leave you behind.
How do I know? Because this move is already in progress!
metatron (try Mormonism, you'll enjoy the speculation)
The US has been off the gold standard for many years. I suppose the wealth created since then is purely imaginary - likewise that of the rest of the Western world.
You are the one who is sorely in need of an education, and you are going to get one---soon! But, as regards what you call "wealth," yes, it is a figament of your imagination. Just last year bubble-heads like yourself were referring to the "wealth affect" of the inflating stock bubble. Since that time approximately 6 trillion $$$ has evaporated from what people had mistaken for their wealth. Where did it go? $6,000,000,000,000 by the way is half of the GDP of the USA. So where did all that wealth go? Since it didn't exist anywhere but in computer digits, it seemly ceased to exist. That's because it's existence was only imaginary to begin with.
Gold is inefficient because it just lays there in storage, requiring armed guards - unlike modern banking practices which allow fractional reserves.
When I read nonsense like this I can only slowly and grimly shake my head back and forth, appalled at your ignorance. For starters: Gold doesn't just sit around in bank vaults collecting dust. It is one of the hottest trading commodities in the world. It is leased out by the central banks to the bullion banks who then sell it and take the paper and bet on the horses. It's called the gold carry trade. CLICK HERE >>>> http://www.zealllc.com/commentary/gcarrypf.htm
Secondly, if gold were really of lesser value than paper, then the banks would just unload it and be done with it. They don't dare part with it though because they know that when the paper goes into the toilet that gold and silver will go through the roof. The reason they disconnected gold from backing the dollar is so that they could massively inflate the dollar, which of course they are now doing. In so doing they will eventually totally debase the dollar into worthlessness. When the time arrives for Jehovah to pull the plug on your system of things, your "wealth" will simply disappear in the manner that I describe. You will probably wake up one day on the curbside, homeless, naked, and hungry wondering where it all went.
- currencies will 'harden' internationally and stabilize over time because international trade WILL DEMAND IT! Take a college course
on Money and Banking! (I have)
Oooh, well, that explains your ignorance. Actually the calls are becoming louder for a return to the gold standard established at Bretton Woods N.H. That's because it is becoming more obvious by the day that the present system is about to fail on a massive scale. CLICK HERE >>> http://www.nex.net.au/users/reidgck/AUG2001.HTM
A few honest historians have pointed out that British colonial authority existed because the NATIVES supported and APPROVED of it!. The numbers of colonial rulers in India were utterly tiny compared to the populace - who could have thrown them out, if they collectively wished it.
Gimme a break with your nonsense. Apologists for the oligarchy are a dime a dozen and gladly hire themselves out to rewrite history. So what you are saying is that slaves can become conditioned to prefer their captivity.
And as for your Brooklyn Masters, they WILL COMPROMISE,
they WILL mainstream and they WILL leave you behind. How do I know? Because this move is already in progress!
You know less about my faith than you do about economics. And that is truely frightening. / You Know
D. WIlt:
Do mean Your Twisted versions of Bible prophecies where there really isn't any Bible Prophecy.
Is this collection of words supposed to make sense? / You Know
You Know,
Look at the context and the meaning becomes clear.
Context is also important in understanding Scripture too!
Picture of D.Wilt going in for the kill >>>
You Know,
I'm truly honored.
Probably most of you fail to see any connection between financial matters and affairs having to do with Jehovah's Witnesses and God's judgment. As a way of closing out this thread, I ran across this verse in our weekly Bible reading: Psalms 39:11 reads:"By reproofs against error you have corrected man, and you consume his desirable things just as a moth does."
My focus on the impending crash of the global financial system is intended to show how God's judgments, such as is alluded to in the above verse, could be brought about; how within the system itself are planted the seeds of its own destruction. For a fact, there are extensive prophecies that could be brought to bear on the topic to show how the wealth of the world will be confiscated as if by a thief in the night, but this verse will have to suffice for now. / You Know