by You Know 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    Nice to see you quoting LaRouche again, You Know.

    Whilst I was researching my own tongue-in-cheek post I came across this by Mr LaRouche:

    [This] has led to the creation of a great security risk, not in the militias themselves--most of them are honest people, just honest, disaffected, angry people, who don't know where to turn, because they don't think Washington's their friend. But the cover of that disaffection is used for the enemies of the United States--the British--to actually create terrorist threats--I'm talking about the kind of thing that happened in Oklahoma City--inside the United States

    Wow, YK, you quote this guy as an authority? Methinks you are in better company here with us.


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist


    Thank you for the interesting link. It is certainly a new development for all of the participating countries. While they have theoretically devised an architecture for asian financial interdependence, it appears to me to lack in substance.

    In other words "TOTO FUMO, NIHIL ARDOR". For example, if seven or eight or even nine bankrupt individuals promise to share resources or their ability to borrow resources from someone else, then collective solvency is a moot point.

    One of the interesting points mentioned concerned the construction of electrical power plants and the future of marketing power resources beyond asia. This type of venture shows insight and is the architecture on which to build and expand. The other points discussed in the article did not impact of affect my understanding any further in either direction.


  • You Know
    You Know

    To Englishman:

    LaRouche didn't mean that all Brits are enemies of the United States. He was referring to the London-centered financial oligarchy, the so-called Club of the Isles. If you actually knew a thing about history as well as current events in your own country you would know that London is one of the leading sponsors of international terrorism. The ruling oligarchy use terrorists to create tensions and destabilizations around the world. Their goal is to bring down the nation-state as an institution and repalce it with a new imperial form of rule with the UN as the administrative arm. Many world rulers know that Britain is behind terrorism. Egyptian President, Hossni Mubarak, recently filed a formal compalint with the UN to the effect that London was harboring terrorist cells and giving them sanctuary and funding, not to mention their marching orders. I was in fact in London a couple of year ago, and it just so happened that while I was there the issue came up and the British press even covered it. It seems, as I recall, that London promised to clean up their act. Of course, they were just waiting for the international heat to be turned down so they could go back to business as usual. / You Know

    Click here>>>>

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    An interesting point to make note of is the exploitve use of the long arms of the British Empire throughout history. Consider the damage in Pakistan, India, South Africa, Palestine, Former Yugoslavia, and many others.

    Wherever the British occupied or colonized, they certainly drained all resources. I speak on a regular basis with survivors of the desert war in East Africa during WWII. The gentlemen are from Eritrea and Ethiopia. Although colonized by Italians, roads and schools and a public infrastructure was invested and built into both nations. A public education system was started as well as government services.

    Under so called British liberation and occupation from AXIS forces, I listened to first hand accounts of the British dismantling of edifices, buildings, schools and of the large shipments of commandeered resources back to England as booty and spoil. The British Empire has been the most parasitical, tyrranical, hypocritical, usury, exploitative and bigoted heirarchy ever operating on this planet.

    I could almost respect Hitler more!

  • Winston

    You Know,

    Well more power to you, if they(WT) haven't given you any flack.

    BTW, can I call you captain You Know?

    The Never Ending Search For Truth

  • You Know
    You Know

    To Utopian Reformist:

    Based on my present understanding of the treasury department and the decision of the US to CEASE backing paper currency with gold, I am confident that RUSSIA and other participating asian fledglings will realize the folly of Putin's decision.

    You must understand one thing: Gold and silver is the only real money. Paper is a relatively new invention that only serves as a substitute for gold. The fact of the matter is that the central banks have waged a war against gold for many years because they are basically running a massive counterfeiting operation. If you really want a shocker, go dig around on the IMF. org website. I found out that the IMF is actually one of the largest holders of gold in the world. They have taken a huge chunk of Russia's gold reserve as colatteral for their loans to Russia, all the while talking down the "yellow barbaric relic." >>>>

    When they are carting wheelbarrows full of dollars around the holders of gold will rule the world.

    Once reopened, IMF funds will flow freely into RUSSIA and then the PUTIN centralized reformist government will establish a pseudo-free market economy

    Problem is that the IMF is also bankrupt. (Except for the tons of glod in their vaults) That's the whole basis for the Survivors Club in the first place. / You Know

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    You Know:

    I will research the IMF in greater detail over the weekend. If the thread has not suffered death by "verbatum de hostis malus", I would appreciate an opportunity to continue exchanging information.

    Until Monday. Thank you and enjoy the weekend.

  • You Know
    You Know

    I attached a link to the IMF site. / You Know

  • metatron

    your psychotic ramblings are getting boring.

    Take some of your own Scriptural advice from Ezekiel
    talking about Gog - "let him that is buckling on, not speak as one
    ungirding" - in other words, stop making these pathetic boasts
    about what is "obvious" or "definite".

    As for Russia, read Atlantic Monthly in detail - it is THEY who
    are finished, permanently, as a world power - who can't even
    beat backwoods Muslim rebels in a war. Issuing a few gold coins
    doesn't work any economic magic - in fact, if you study fiat money
    systems together with a fractional banking deposit system, it
    becomes OBVIOUS that it offers superior results and efficiency
    in comparison with gold backed currency. It is the Russians who
    are dooming THEIR OWN country with corruption and backward

    You get more desperate for world destruction with each passing
    You will be 'left behind', intellectually abandoned by your
    Brooklyn Masters on the road to mainstreaming the organization.


  • Englishman

    You Know,

    Doesn't sound too convincing to me, if you want to believe that Britain harbours terrorists, try telling that to some of the victims of the IRA.


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

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