Hey! I think wife-swapping is kinda cool. :)
by dunsscot 113 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Hey! I think wife-swapping is kinda cool. :)
I make this qualification since the Dutch philosopher Herman Dooyeweerd militated against the absolutization (the deification) of what he called "the mathematical-science ideal." I have often used his delineation of modal spheres and the mathematical science-ideal to argue against gauging intelligence by means of IQ tests. Therefore, I am not suggesting that we reduce human lives or experiences to hard data. (African-American thinker Lewis R. Gordon also shows the inadequacies of a neopositivist approach in his works on Africana philosophy. See _Her Majesty's Other Children_ for details.)
How astute of you! Hope you get an 'A' in your Into to Philosophy class.
Seriously, I use to name-drop all of the Great Thinkers I had read, making as many eclectic allusions as possible. But that was freshman year, and as time wore on I tried to learn to come to the point without all the unnecessary verbiage. You might have decent ideas, but your sesquipedalian prattle sounds silly.
Dunscot tries to be an intellectual snob but comes across as a just a plain ol' snob.
"He who knows most, talks least."
Mike Gritsch
Must I remind you all that Dunscott is not a person, it is a comittee at Bethel designed to show the JW lurkers that some intelligent (read: high falutin) folks are JWs, therefor it is not necessary to read any of these various topics and arguments on this board.. Just accept the fact that if Dunscott believes it is the truth, it must be right becuase he talks with a lot of big hard words.
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Just because you personally haven't experienced sexual child abuse, doesn't mean it hasn't happened or men in high positions can't be part of it. I am a victim of child sexual abuse, but from a worldly family and men in worldly organizations. I think of the abuse daily. When I became a JW,I was very naive that abuse was happening. We had a CO elder when making up car groups would choose a young sister around 8 to go with him alone. Did this in every congregation. Why? I voiced an objection and told to myob. I asked a regular pioneer ms brother to study with my boys. He was already studying with 6 boys, so could not. He moved and married a sister who had 2 children. They had a son. When I meet this sister she divorced him because he was having regular sex with the sons,2and8. Two years ago I'm sitting at the district convention when the sister next to me tells about her daughters have been molested by a ms brother in the congregation..I moved for the afternoon sesssions and a different sister tells me about her daughter molested by an elder. At the time I had no advice to give thinking it was wrong to have the world find out about these matters. Now I say tell,tell,tell and shoot to kill, shoot to kill those bastards who do this and those who cover it up.
Why use any of those fancy words, when "pompous windbag" works just fine?
*snicker* Now, THAT was funny. I'm sure our friend here is a smart enough guy, but he's just trying WAY too hard.
http://www.dreamsphere.net/ -- See it, live it, wear it.
"Most men complacently accept 'knowledge' as 'truth'. They are sheep, ruled by fear."
-- Sydney Losstarot, "Vagrant Story."
Dear larc,
I don't think any level of empirical proof would convince you.:
It depends on the quality of the empirical proof, how it holds up under serious scrutiny and how it relates to my experience of Dasein.
:As I said before, you live in the rarified world of ideas. Ah, the beauty of ideas, the wonderful sounds of words, the majesty of the interconnectedness of concepts.:
Theory, ideas, words, morphemes, graphemes, morphemes, and concepts are the conditio sine qua non of praxis, IMHO. To paraphrase Kant: 'theory without practice is empty, but practice without theory (or concepts) is blind.' Furthermore, I think that Lewis Gordon is correct when he speaks of words creating worlds. Thought is also capable of constructing or constituting reality, to a certain extent. So I fail to see why anyone would manifest antipathy for the life of the mind.
:If you come out of the rarified stratasphere of espistimology and on to the earthen plane of human misery, I am afraid that it would damage your psyche. Furthermore, it would cause you cognitive disonance to realize that the beauty of theory does not translate into beauty in reality.:
I too live in a soma. I also experience ontological inertia and the wretched misery that accompanies existence in this age. Additionally, this typer is concerned about the plight of his fellow humans, whether they be fellow Witnesses or not. I can thus many times echo the words of Qoheleth, who wrote in a very poignant manner: 'I hated life.' Ergo, I do not think it is fair to insist that I am untouched by human suffering as I sit on top of these "clouds." Nevertheless, life is not all bad. Does not cognitive psychology teach us that our thinking may have a lot to do with our happiness in this world? Did not Maslow show the potential that resides in human beings?
:If, someday, the WT ideology crashes for you. We will be here.:
Thanks for the sincere offer. I really don't know how much help I could receive from this board if I needed it, however.
Duns the Scot
Dear buffalo,
:You sound just like the elders, it takes two to tango so to speak, and when children are abused the abuser doesn't go and get witnesses to the fact. So just how do you verify the fact? Like the elder body you just let the abuser keep on abusing and then let the abused be abused or suffer the consequences of actions of the elder body, People like you truly make me sick.:
I'm not saying the abuser should be be allowed to continue in his or her pattern of abuse. But my concern revolves around brothers and sisters who are unfairly and wrongly accused of child abuse. A very close friend of mine experienced this very thing. (Look at the recent case of the Paula Poundstone, who has a drinking problem, but may be innocent of child abuse charges!) If we're just going to accept every case of alleged abuse that comes along without any compelling evidence, what procedure would you implement to protect the innocent accused?
Lastly, I'm also concerned about folks like Silentlambs that engage in smear campaigns while providing zero evidence for their claims. What does the Bible say about bearing false witness against thy neighbor?
Duns the Scot
Dunce Scott,
If I were to make a quick diagosis of you I would say that you have overindulged in the laxatives again and now have a chronic case of verbal diahorrea.
If you want to have some "straight-talk" I am all ears!! If you want to spew one liners with fancy words submit them to the Reader's Digest and see if you can win a hundred bucks!!
Dearest Tina,
You write:
:dunscot,("call you a neo-positivist.." nahh blusterer maybe lol)
Thanks for the post. I've printed it out. Yours is the finest example of intellectualization,one of the defense mechanisms.
Your posts show(so well) how one can be in such denial of uncomfortable realities. And how one can use such esoteric language to totally remove themself from any emotional ramifications of said subject.:
You got all that out of my little old post? Wow! Tina, you're a gem. Have I ever stopped to tell you that you're one of the most lovely people on this elegant board? You really are. :-)
:I'm sharing this w/ a psych prof I know. He found your other posts quite revealing as well. What a wall of denial you have constructed.
But like another poster thought,maybe your psyche is unable to
accept the harsh realities,so you remain in your rarified air of academic intellectualization. I feel for you.Sometimes denial is removed brick by brick. Once in a while,something just slams into it and knocks the whole thing to rubble. We know this-we've all been there. We'll be here for support when your wall cracks or falls. regards,Tina:
I obviously disagree with the good professor's analysis, but I really would like to hear more. I still love psychology and I remember discussing defense mechanisms in abnormal psychology. Please let me know what your friend thinks of this non-intellectual post.
Duns the Scot