Silentlambs and Signifiers that Signify Nothing

by dunsscot 113 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • bboyneko

    Dear larc,
    the Faceman write:

    Nice to see Ya back.What's this Jibba Jabba?

    Let Mr.T address Helluva of your points.

    Emipirical proof: When Mr.T say some T would accept solid evidence, the darn Faceman don't believe Murdock. Helluva far. Murdock don't say that crazy out of malice for the darn T or in a disregard for your reasoning abilities. Crazy foo. I say that crazy because some history of science is full of examples of those who rejected solid evidence because it did not fit their cognitive map. I'll knock you into next week, Fool! For example, Hans Eysenck published a classic paper demonstrating that darn psychotherapy wud not effective. Don't touch that! thems wud at a time when the darn only method of treatment wuz psychoanalysis and NeoFredian methods.:

    Thanks for that darn examples from that darn history of science. You couldn't take on a bunch of girlscouts singlehandedly! Murdock appreciate your observations on Freud, and Hannibal concede your main point in Helluva respects, for proofs are Helluva times person-relative (what constitutes proof for a Marxist does not necessarily compel a capitalist). We also have to deal with confirmation bias and the crazy issue of schemas as well as the crazy points Ya discussed regarding cognitive mapping. No way, fool...

    Nevertheless, Murdock do not think it is sound to reason that darn just because Hannibal think Mr.T gonna reject Helluva type of empirical proof that darn T present, there is no use in putting forth such evidence. Until anyone here is able to provide corroborating evidence that crazy provides sufficient warrant for his or her position, Murdock gonna continue to think that crazy that darn jibba jabba'd claims about child abuse are for the crazy most part "sound and fury." Mr.T do, however, sympathize with children who have really undergone such treatment at the hands of hypocritical ungodly men or women. Mr.T words are directed at those who foam at the darn mouth in hopes of subverting the darn power of the darn WTS.

    :Kant's remarks on theory: Certainly practice should be guided by a theory or framework to guide practice. Must be one of Hannibal's plans. However, Mr.T wud only addressing the darn other side of some equation. Hannibal think that darn the theoretical framework with which U are operating is gunna be severly flawed, especially when it comes to some implimintation of rules and the crazy breaking of those rules. Come on, you can do better than that! A case in point gunna be the darn heuristic that crazy a witness to sodomy of a child has to be present before a case can be heard, ala, the scriptural rule. I don't think so, suckah. Most pedophiles don't bring along an audience. The fool's crazy! As with most crimes, experts need to look at physical and circumstantial evidence, which precludes the use of elders in some process (another flaw in your schema).:

    One clarification: Murdock wud "paraphrasing Kant," not quoting him. Kant's citation involves his thoughts on concepts and intuitions. Foo! But back to some discussion.Foo!

    Pedophiles are nothing new, larc, as Mr.T well know. Crazy Fool! Even Scripture relates information about pederasty in Deuteronomy. No, fool! Allusions to pedophilia are also contained in the darn first hexateuchal book (better known as Genesis). Who let this crazy foo in here? From a theological perspective, therefore, the darn Society's position may not be so unreasonable when viewed in some light of early Judaism. Shut up, fool! Then again, we may have to readjust our view vis-a'-vis certain forensic passages in the crazy Bible. Crazy foo. Nevertheless, the darn Faceman think the T are trying to mingle legal and theological matters. In that darn humble opinion of this darn writer/typer, however, the best way to adjudicate a theological controversia gunna be by utilizing theological methods. You got a problem with that? Bringing in some superior authorities improperly may cause unnecessary conflicts between Caesar and The Almighty T. I pity the fool! There are Helluva issues one should carefully ponder before allowing that darn camel's nose to enter his or her tent. You don't have no plan. You didn't have no plan 'till now.

    :Side Note on Maslow: Although Maslow writes nice words, his theory of motivation has failed all attempts at verification (e.g., Porter and Lawler, and Aldefer) Both of these authors came up with better models. Aldefer's model, like Maslow's, is a needs model, while Porter and Lawler's is a cognitive model.:

    Murdock concur pretty Helluva with your thoughts about Maslow. Nevertheless, some main point Mr.T wuz making is gunna be that darn our happiness in Helluva ways depends on our internal state of being and our cognitive processes. You got that right, crazy man. No matter how pervasive evil external to our soma gunna be , we are capable of creating positive inner worlds that crazy result in positively-oriented external cosmoi.He was the baddest cat around... 'Till I showed up.


    Duns that darn Scot

  • dunsscot

    Dear Had

    You write concerning my comment about this board:

    :I'm not quite sure how you meant that. If you sincerely meant that you didn't think you would be welcomed here if that happened to you, you are totally wrong. You would be accepted by us without our rubbing dirt in your face. That's how we are here.:

    I have no doubts I would be welcomed here.

    :HOWEVER...if you were saying that no one here could be capable of giving any effective help needed...then again you are wrong. The people here have huge hearts and would welcome you back to give you the support and encouragement and knowledge you would need from your crash.:

    I meant that from what I've read on this board, I think this forum would not help me personally. I'm not interested in agnosticism, atheism, the teachings of Christendom, evolution, drinking kegs of beer, vulgar speech, bitter negativity, spreading rumors, Christian bashing or fornicating left and right with whomever. I do not see much common ground between myself and others on this board. I could go on, but I think you understand what I'm saying.


    Duns the Scot

  • dunsscot

    Dear bboy,

    Lots of laffa, you nut. What a sense of humor. I am trying sittin' here laffin' like a foo!


    Duns the Scot

  • dedalus
    I know its hard for those who circumambulate on the terra firma to apprehend how the mind of a philosopha works, but in all earnestness, I am not trying to impress anyone here. When I submit messages, I am oftentimes in the process of trying to formulate an idea and provide some type of philosophical backing for it.

    Boy, that sure resonates with my own psychological perambulations, too! For example, I often find myself sublimating in the place of das ding the unreciprocated affection of the every elusive (m)other, bestowing upon myself a predilection for the mythological enactment of the primordial father, resulting in a rendezvous of jouissance. The transcendence, though incandescent, is transient -- alas! -- and I inevitably plummet into the oubliette of despair. But, as the great Antarctic philosopher Oondihutrue Nykowloski Bonaparte said, "My porridge is always cold, ack, so to bed I go."


  • bboyneko

    hey dunscott glad you take it with a grain of salt, i feel you have some good points as well as others. I was just bored here at work and realized the MR. T filter works best with lots of words :p

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    Straight from the horse's ass... er... mouth:
    "I meant that from what I've read on this board, I think this forum would not help me personally. I'm not interested in agnosticism, atheism, the teachings of Christendom, evolution, drinking kegs of beer, vulgar speech, bitter negativity, spreading rumors, Christian bashing or fornicating left and right with whomever. I do not see much common ground between myself and others on this board. I could go on, but I think you understand what I'm saying."

    Thinks he's smarter than everyone else, AND morally superior! Like I said, a pompous ass. He knows he's making a fool of himself, but he has to pretend to disdain everyone here because his pride won't let him drop the snobbery and be just plain human.

    ROFL at this bloated ego and the pathetic little mind behind it!!! My family has had a barrel of laughs at this goober's expense, and more to come after the Jdub family gets the full humiliation of realizing that this is the absolute BEST the Society can offer as apology! Keep 'em coming, dunnyboy, you do a great service to those of us trying to reason with our dub relations. Between you, Friday, and You Know, they are so embarrassed, it's cake to get them to listen to reason! Thank you for making our job a little easier.

  • dedalus
    I meant that from what I've read on this board, I think this forum would not help me personally. I'm not interested in agnosticism, atheism, the teachings of Christendom, evolution, drinking kegs of beer, vulgar speech, bitter negativity, spreading rumors, Christian bashing or fornicating left and right with whomever.

    So what's left? Maybe you think I'm being flippant, but I'm serious. Is it that you're "above all that?" What's the point of thinking great thoughts, if it renders you impotent, passionless, sterile? The greatest thinkers, the ones most worth reading, were not above bitter negativity, vulgar speech, fornication, etc. I'm beginning to wonder if you're much more than an academic parrot.


  • dunsscot

    Dear dedalus,

    You seem to have a knack for crafting witty and well-wrought prose. Implement this gift more often. It will not offend ME. :-)

    You ask:

    :So what's left? Maybe you think I'm being flippant, but I'm serious. Is it that you're "above all that?" What's the point of thinking great thoughts, if it renders you impotent, passionless, sterile? The greatest thinkers, the ones most worth reading, were not above bitter negativity, vulgar speech, fornication, etc. I'm beginning to wonder if you're much more than an academic parrot.:

    In my personal life, I am far from being "impotent, passionless," or "sterile." The Subtle Doctor enjoys life in the wholesome manner evidently prescribed by the Creator of all things (ta panta). Passion (pathos) is fine when it is directed toward that which is transcendent and life-promoting. Having a cold beer or spending time with one's mate engaging in intimate activities can many times serve as the pinnacle of one's day. But if pleasure becomes an end instead of a means to an end, Duns thinks we're asking for trouble.

    It has wisely been said that the body is a proper servant, but a poor master. Some wise sagacious observer also declared that if one makes money his or her deity, it will plague him or her like the devil. My point is that we must not mistake ends for means and, secondly, we need to select ends that will promote lasting happiness and meaning in our lives. (Aristotle thinks the supreme end is the contemplative life, and I do not believe he is far off the mark in this matter. Aquinas, however, filled in the Aristotelian gaps contained in Book X.6-7 of the Nicomachean Ethics.) Emil Brunner well noted that meaning that is not eternal is in reality no meaning.

    As for the thinkers you mention, I concur. I am often disappointed to read about the scandalous lives of certain ancient philosophers. Nevertheless, there are many many thinkers from diverse schools of thought, who did not give in to lives governed by base desire. Moreover, if there is one thing I have learned from being a JW and philosopher, it is this:

    Avoid doing that which brings harm to yourself and/or others. Having identified the destructive nature of certain behaviors that are inimical and insalubrious perversions in and of themselves, I choose to refrain from such self-destructive behaviors. My decision has nothing to with a feeling of superiority or impotence.

    Thanks for listening,

    Duns the Scot

  • julien
    So what's left?

    I was thinking exactly the same thing. "I do not see much common ground between myself and others on this board.." I am thinking he is more of a Ned Flanders type of guy, and this board is his Homer Simpson.

    I'm beginning to wonder if you're much more than an academic parrot.

    Which is why I keep saying Duncecap er dunscott is a committee at Bethel, possibly even some sort of philosophical expert system AI program they are using to impress scared JW lurkers.

    Oklee Diddly Do!

  • teejay

    Should I be reported to the police based on one person's testimony? Should my life be forever irrevocably ruined because of this? This seems to be what some are arguing for here. If not, please correct me.

    Hello, Joel. You state a chilling possibility, one that has bothered me in the past. Did anyone address your question already? If not, I'll say that I abhor pedophilia and those who perpetrate it. I'd probably stop short of saying that they deserve a public lynching but not by much. It's a vile, heinous crime of the very worst sort. I can think of none worse. However... HOWEVER...

    To accuse one of it (or any crime, for that matter) without evidence is also abhorrent. History is rife with examples of innocent people who didn't fit societal norms and who suffered cruel injustices--up to and including death--as a result. I think some may have missed the general thrust of dunscott's argument or else I did. I may have missed it (I haven't read every word of every post here) but I don't think he's apologizing for pedos or even the Society's means of (not) dealing with them. He's just asking for something a bit more concrete than a simple accusation and it's resulting lynch mob mentality. I think it's a worthy request.

    Something else that I haven't seen touched on is this: It's been demonstrated that children can be guided to say or even believe that certain non-events have happened. Psychologists have experimented with children in this very area, so sometimes, I say SOMETIMES, even the words of children can be suspect, especially after trained professionals with an agenda gets done with them. If some of the parents whose kids you spent time with now came to know of your current sexual preference, you might very well soon end up on somebody's hit list, years after the fact. I could see the parent asking leading questions about you and some long ago innocuous event... one thing would lead to another and... bamm! You'd be looking for a good lawyer, seriously wondering about your future.

    It's more than a possibility. It's happened. Your concerns are valid.


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