Don't you think the Witness leaders would have given up the blood doctrine and 1914 by now had not apostates made such big things of them? Haven't they been painted into a bit of a corner where, if they tried to adjust things on blood now, everyone would come down on them like a ton of bricks? If apostates were not so vigilant in watching the Witnesses' every move, perhaps the governing body would have tried to drop the dubious doctrines by the back door, like so many others that they have discarded when they did not feel to closely watched (organ transplants, for example).
Apostates - blood on their hands?
by slimboyfat 88 Replies latest jw friends
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....<catch breath> <pant> <gasp> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...
Slim, you are priceless.
no, i have to disagree. i see the point, but it's also like saying that the blood of american soldiers in iraq is on the war protesters hands because the government doesn't want to look like they are bending to the will of anti-war protest.
they are going to do whatever they want.
Right on, Tetra. Sorry, I was too busy rolling on the floor laughing my a$$ off to give a really coherent reply...
Not too sure about the blood thing, but I used to feel the same way about 1914. Apostates need to do nothing to bring down the Borg. The Borg paints itself into it's own corner. Most recently...the definition of "generation". It will always be with us, but it's numbers will diminish, slowly and surely. Education destroys cults.
Wow, you have some twisted logic there, sbf.
They may change the policies because of apostates' publicizing the murder of innocent children by the 'blood doctrine'. Didja ever think of that?
You know, just like some of them are now reporting child molesters.Good grief! Exposing lies and injustice is never wrong. *shakes head*
There are certain erroneous things they can't change because they are essential for the continuance of their org, others would cause them a great deal of harm eg removing transfusion ban and litigation from relatives of victims of this ban.
That's like saying that if the police would quit trying to stop criminals, that the criminals would change their ways.
It is arrogance and pride that keep the organization from changing the policy...and a severe case of the blind leading the blind. If they realize they are wrong, then not changing the policy is nothing short of murder IMHO.
By the way, my dad died because of the watchtower policy on organ transplants. The powers that be in the watchtower will have to stand before their maker and answer for themselves. I would not want to be in their shoes.
slim, you have some issues bro. I'm finding it hard to believe you are interested in anything but creating controversy on this board. We've been through this type of stuff a million times with you and still you just come back with the same twisted reasoning, intent on trying to discredit whistleblowers. How can you look at yourself in the mirror dude? Don't try to blame the actions of some half-wits in Brooklyn on reasonable caring people.
By the way, my dad died because of the watchtower policy on organ transplants.