When my kids were young they loved dinosaurs. I used to take them to our local Museum every few months to see the exhibits and there was/is a decent dinosaur exhibit with plenty of educational plaques next to the skeletons explaining how, where and when they lived. When I took them there would have been around the late 1980s and early 1990s.
My kids used to go back to their Mom's and tell her and her family all about it. My ex wife never said anything to the kids but the elders and their spouses (who my ex exposed the kids to) sure did. One elder's wife in particular gave an elaborate story to my kids about how dinosaurs didn't ever really exist and that it was Jehovah who merely put the bones in the ground because he knew that kids would like them.
Both my kids were told (very strongly to the point of threatened) that they were not to talk about the explanations written on the plaques at the museum to any other (JW) kids. They were forced to adopt the idea that Jehovah had salted the ground with the bones.