Or will one of them invaribly end up being attracted to the other?
by Mary 119 Replies latest jw friends
In my experience, men and women can absolutely be 'just friends'. I have several friends who I regard as a brother and I know they think of me as a sister (in fact, it's almost insulting that, to them, the thought of knowing me 'in the biblical sense' would be disgusting!!).
Wasanelder Once
Shhhh don't tell the Bruddas and Sistas.
Yes, tis possible.
I think they can, but my bf has a problem with it! Especially since I have two of them coming over tomarrow night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It depends upon how good looking you are.
If she's "hot"....sorry I want to do you...(doesn't mean I will...I'm no perv)...but I'd want to.
u/d (of the not as selfish as that sounds class)
yes....it is possible
but I think women do a better job at it than men. Some men tend to get all goo-goo eyed when a women shows them attention.
undercover of the goo-goo eyed class
i've thought about this too, mary.
i think a lot has to do with sexual orientation. i think it's very possible for gay men to be friends with women, but not really for men to be friends with lesbians, not sure why. and i think that in some cases of asexuality, it is possible too, most likely where both have asexual behaviours.
but in terms of heterosexual friendship. it's hard for me to say yes. i don't know if we are wired that way. i would like to say yes. i suppose it has happened. but i have never really seen it happen, on a really true level. of course, i am talking in terms of real "down to earth" buddies, like i am with male friends. i think that heterosexual males and females can most certainly be friends on the surface, and to a certain level. and that is the level i enjoy with some people. and it is still nice. i'm just not sure about through and through. it's tricky, and could just be anecdotal of my experience. i would like to think it's possible.
do not many people end up marrying their best friends of the opposite sex?
apparently not.
When you exude SEX as I do, people just can't resist themselves...
I can't help it..
but not really for men to be friends with lesbians,
That's cuz hetero males find lesbians....HOT!!! (we secretly just want to frolic with them) But sadly the opposite isn't usually true.
Thus chicks always say when they see some HOT gay dudes......what a waste!
And dudes just wish they'd get invited into "the mix"... don't know why...that's just the way it is...for some.
u/d (of the wants to frolic...or at least watch class)