Black people won't work

by SixofNine 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere
    This social commentary was brought to you by HomeDepot employee and my neighbor, Jim Whitson, and the letter B. Yes, I live in Texas.

    Don't forget about the number 7.

  • daystar
    It takes a long while to learn to breathe and sit back when the hackles go up.

    Erm... yes, I did mean hackles and not shackles.

    The rest, I wholeheartedly agree. Today, some fifteen years after leaving the Org, I still sometimes feel like a child in the world, learning to function properly in the real world.

  • Billygoat
    It takes a long while to learn to breathe and sit back when the hackles go up.

    Erm... yes, I did mean hackles and not shackles.

    The rest, I wholeheartedly agree. Today, some fifteen years after leaving the Org, I still sometimes feel like a child in the world, learning to function properly in the real world.

    Daystar, Same here. We've been out about the same amount of time. I consider myself a "late bloomer" thanks to the bOrg. I'm now thirty-(ahem)something and just now finding the confidence I need to feel grown up. Better late than never, right? Andi

  • Mecurious?

    So six what was your response to this neighbor? Did you set him straight or did you agree with him?


  • confusedjw

    That's an interesting question M? - I'll bet Six did not agree with him. $2 on the table

  • Elsewhere
    I consider myself a "late bloomer" thanks to the bOrg. I'm now thirty-(ahem)something and just now finding the confidence I need to feel grown up. Better late than never, right?

    Same here. When I was a JW I never thought I had the right to assert myself. I thought that right was reserved to a privileged few in authority.

  • Preston

    I am Vlad the Impaler and I approve of this message

  • Honesty
    Kinda knew that was bound to happen...

    I almost did the same thing until I reread it...


    Same here. I had to read it 3 times to make sure what he meant. If I had a neighbor like his I would be for moving to a far away land.

  • Terry

    Our nation's minds have been assaulted by a philosophy that attacks rational thought which is man's first and last defense against being controlled and enslaved.

    What do I mean?

    The colleges of academia in co-operation with religion in general have indoctrinated our citizenry with doctrines which cause people to doubt their own rational mind.

    We are told, taught and preached to a messege of fear and doubt. We are told "All men are created equal" and led to assume this means an "objective" equality rather than a metaphorical one. Then, to make this seem true, an explanation is given to how this works.

    The propaganda:

    1.Everything is relative to opinion; there is no "good" or "bad" except what an AUTHORITY states it to be. That authority is either God, or, by his arrangement: the State.

    2.We owe our lives, not to our own efforts, but to each other, mankind, or servitude to God's bidding (as defined by local authorities and ultimately the State.)

    3. We only gain value as a human when we SERVE. If we do things for ourselves; we lose value in the eyes of others and are termed insultingly: selfish.

    4.We must do our duty. We are only Free when we serve. Our freedom lies in accepting the rules, laws and morality of the higher authority who will dispose of us as seen fit for the "greater good".

    5. Equality can only be achieved by taking from the Talented man his earnings and___distributing__it to the untalented man who gets a freebie.

    Equality can only be achieved by taking from the Intelligent man his earnings and __distributing__it to the stupid man who gets a freebie.

    Equality can only be achieved by taking from the Creative man his earnings and __distributing_it to the clueless man who doesn't know what to do with any of it except waste it. Think of the lottery winner who blows it all in one big spree of spending with nothing to show for it in the end. Such a person cares not at all to understand what money is or what it does. This dullard thinks money is only for spending. No thought of investment is possible and no legacy is left for his future or his family's future.

    So, what is the result?

    The Talented, the Intelligent and the Creative men live by their earned productivity and are punished by the untalented, the stupid and the uncreative. How?

    There is no need to EARN what you get for free! So, laziness and ineptitude are glorified and this glorification is reflected in speech, attitude, culture and art and music. The LAZY man becomes heroic to the others who are equally unwilling to work for what is free.

    Is this solely a BLACK phenomenon? It would be silly to identify this with a race soley when there are so many examples of white uneducated welfare mongers who avail themselves of this "all men are created equal so-give-me-my-share-for-free" mentality.

    The backlash reaction by the true earners, the true producers and the true creators in society is to adopt a CONSERVATIVE agenda which protects them from the slow bleed of government handouts and social programs.

    Who gains?

    The social pimps! These "leaders" of the poor, the downtrodden and the unfortunate keep up a steady drumbeat of guilt for slavery, accusations of greed and manipulation on the part of rich white men and demand "SOCIAL JUSTICE". (Social Justice, in this instance, only means the productive man must carry the lazy man on his back.)

    Think of this analogy: In a village that declares "Every man is equal in every way", one man breaks his leg and calls a doctor. The doctor promptly calls all the men of the village together and breaks their leg too! Now no man has an advantage!

    The above example is no different from what goes on every day in all parts of America. Nobody is called "lazy" or "stupid" or "untalented" by the politically correct brainwashed. As a result, the profoundly retarded child is put in the same classroom with the average child and everybody pretends this doesn't create an insurmountable problem for classroom management or one on one time for the students who COULD learn but don't get the attention necessary.

    The lowest common denominator rules the top producers and constrains them by a destructive philosophy that seeps into everyday life in countless ways.

    The ethnic groups who work hard for low wages (termed Mexicans and Orientals, etc) have a work ethic that outshines the lazy people who refuse to debase themselves by hard work. (After all---they can make more money in drug commerce!)

    The opportunity is the same for everybody in America. But, only the man or woman who seizes the opportunity and uses their own efforts will produce anything. The man or woman who refuses to earn must leech and suck from those who are the real productive engine that drives our economy.

    What is the solution to the above problem of destructive philosophy?

    Remove the dependency! Reward effort only. A poor man who declines opportunity has EARNED poverty. Live not in the past, but, in the present. Stop making excuses for people who will not lift themselves up through education and effort.

    Abraham Lincoln was as poor as any person who lives in America now. He was ugly and uncultured and had to walk miles and miles to visit people from whom he could obtain books.

    But, he used his desire to learn to uplift himself from utter poverty to the Presidency. There was no social program to give him a handout, a meal on wheels or free medical care.

    Millions of people from foreign countries come to the U.S. with no knowledge of English. They learn the lanaguage, get a job, work long hours, save and plan for a better future. They often start their own small business working day and night with their entire family. They are what makes America the land of opportunity.

    I don't care what race a man is----it is irrelevent. What a man IS is determined by what he is willing to do with his opportunity. It is not what you say or believe that means anything; it is what you ACTUALLY DO in life that creates who you are and what conditions you live in.

    In the Black community few children have two parents rearing them. Whose choice is this? Teen pregnancy is common. Whose choice is this? Producing children without having an education, a home or an income leads to dire poverty. Who is CHOOSING this behavior? The results of this chosen behavior produces the results. The results are dependency, crime, ignorance and a lazy attitude of blame and demands for "rights" unearned.

    Excuses are common. Men get rich feeding the blame and wielding the shame like a club to extort payoffs and handouts.

    All men are created equal in only one way: You trade your effort for your reward. Choose carefully. Equal efforts yeild equal results. Unequal efforts cannot produce equal results unless one man is robbed by the other and penalized for his productivity.


  • FlyingHighNow
    ...and people ask me all the time why I want to get the hell out of this hick-ass Dubya luvin state.

    I lived in Texas, Houston and West Texas, Andrews. I found the people there to be delightful and charming. Michigan voted for Kerry mostly, but there are a lot of GW Bush lovers here, too. They can't use being hick-ass for an excuse.

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