Does anyone who Left Jehovahs Organization, still......

by defd 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • Soledad

    Does anyone who Left Jehovahs Organization, still......

    read the bible daily? Honestly do you? Or is it collecting dust on a table or shelf somewhere?

    what's it to you?

    Your question and snide comments are offensive.

    Just because yall left Gods Organization doesnt mean you have to quit reading his word.
    God doesn't exist. Get over it.
  • mkr32208

    No if I want to read something that idiotic and insane I'll stick to the comic's section of the newspaper!

    As to god, never talk to him. I do hold long drawn out conversations with captain crunch over breakfast though!

  • HadEnuf

    Still have trouble picking up a Bible...just seems I equate the Watchtower with ANY Bible. Yuk. I'll just use my good conscience as my guide in life.

  • Undecided

    I was reading Genesis and saw where Eve was created from Adam's rib and I understood the foot note that said that when Adam wanted some loving from Eve he would say he wanted some rib. Then I saw where God invented the sword to be used to kill humans before there was any killing started. Then I read where God loved killing so much he killed all humans and animals except a few on a boat, but spirits for some reason he just keeps them going to bother mankind. Then he killed his son so he could forgive mankind, but forgot when it was supposed to happen and we are still waiting. Then he chose a few old men to direct his people and they have lied to us.

    Then he messed up John's mind so he wrote about funny horses and riders doing all kinds of things that we just can't quite understand.

    I don't think I will read anymore because my mind is now messed up and I can't understand any of it.

    Ken P.

  • misspeaches

    I actually used to despise doing personal study and bible reading when i was a dubbie girl. It was tiresome and boring and repetive.

    I now read the bible most nights before I go to sleep. JUST THE BIBLE. no other publications. I enjoy it. I like reading what is there not twisting the scriptures out of context. Since leaving the JW's I have more of a relationship with God then I ever had.

  • Es

    no mines been packed away for nearly 3 years now


  • stillajwexelder

    3 times per week but not daily

  • Insomniac

    defd- there are numerous books out there, full of great insights and lessons. Ever read the Koran? or the Canterbury Tales? Or Beowulf? How about the Gnostic Gospels? Recently, I read a neat little book by His Holiness the Dalai Lama- I wish I could tell you the name, so you could go buy yourself a copy, but it's packed in one of my many boxes (I'm moving.) The Bible is an interesting reference work, to be sure, but it's not the only book we should be reading.

  • lazyslob

    I think I´ll wait for the movie.

  • doofdaddy

    This is what disturbs me about most christians. This attitude of peering over peoples shoulders to see what they are doing, so they can go...God how can they do, read, say that?? I never would god, so I am a better follower of you aren't I god??

    Constant judgement of others to make them feel more righteous

    Can't you fundies get it through your knuckle heads that faith is a personal matter??

    Still I guess the bible fosters this attitude. Remember the apostles argueing over who would be next to christ in the kingdom?

    Poor jesus. 3 yrs of teaching some amazing stuff and that's all they got out of it.

    Ego and competition.....

    Do I read the bible? None of your damned business

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