remember apostates holding signs outside the convention?

by in a new york bethel minute 116 Replies latest jw experiences

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    i remember there was one that used to go to my hall. he would say hi to my dad and my dad would ignore him. i know now that my father feels bad for that, but at the same time he had no choice. my father had already stopped believing and was inactive (save for the odd meeting and conventions). i remember generally what the apostate's sign was. i also remember the name of the apostate. (i won't say it, but im not sure why). this is basically what it said on the sign:

    "MILLIONS NOW LIVING" are dead.

    the sign didn't affect me "spiritually." but i remember a weird feeling having an apostate address my father by his first name. I'm glad i have the demonization of apostates and apostate thinking out of my system....

    THANKS JWD!!!+

    bethel minute

  • kid-A

    There was some guy that used to dress up in a gorilla suit outside the conventions at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto. He had a sign that read: "Dont let the JWs make a monkey out of you"......It was absolutely priceless.....

  • Finally-Free

    I wonder if I know the "apostate" you're talking about. Was he picketing at Maple Leaf Gardens when we had the convention there? I think it was in the early 90's.

    I always wondered about the ones picketing, and always read the signs. I always wanted to go over and talk to them, but the peer pressure of the JWs I was with always prevented that.


  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute
    I wonder if I know the "apostate" you're talking about. Was he picketing at Maple Leaf Gardens when we had the convention there? I think it was in the early 90's.

    this particular occasion was at copps colliseum. mid-late 90's

  • Junction-Guy

    I picketed my very first convention this year out west in Amarillo Texas while I was on vacation. I had a good time doing it, but I arrived on Sunday about 1/2 hour before the closing. I wish I had been there on opening day, I might have called the TV stations down to film. I was the only one picketing that convention, but then again there could have been other picketers on fri or sat. While growing up back in the 70's and 80's I saw very few picketers, I wish I could have met some of them back then. I felt pretty bad growing up because I knew that the "org" wasnt quite right, and I knew it was messing me up back then, but not being able to see other XJW's working to expose it only made me feel isolated in my beliefs. If I would have seen some picketers I would have felt more empowered and know that I wasnt the only one who disagreed with the WT.


  • arwen

    we had a guy in a prisoner's and white stripes pacing around the district convention one year...I did't quite get the gist of it but he probably meant that we were prisoners without least that is what i felt like most of the time...Prisoners of the Watchtower.

  • kwintestal

    I remember the picketers at the international convention in Montreal, Canada in 1985. I saw them on the way from the stadium to the tent and trailer area they had set up. I don't know what their signs said though.

    I don't recall seeing any apostates at Copps though, and I went to Copps right from the time they first started using it (actually I remember when they built Copps as my mom's office overlooked the site) until I moved in 2000, with the exception of the couple at the Skydome.


  • Woodsman

    "MILLIONS NOW LIVING" are dead.

    Thats awesome!

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute
    I don't recall seeing any apostates at Copps though, and I went to Copps right from the time they first started using it

    that's because you were looking with your theocratic eyeballs instead of your regular human ones! i think they had to stay on the opposite side of the streets surrounding copps. i remember them on the north side

  • mouthy

    I picketed Brooklyn Bethel every year for about 5 years ( a bus load of us) I also picketed Copps Col too- I was surprised to see the kids in the back of cars-those going in to Copps stick their tongues out at us & the parents laugh.... That was a sure sign they did not have GOD ( LOVE)

    I have all the picketing videos, They are so funny- to see us quitely walking with our signs & steams of "Brothers & Sisters?" walking past with their noses in the air..Very well dressed of course THEY were.... One in particular was on the door of Bethel. I loved him so much, I told him I came back every year from Canada to see him.... One day he left the Building & was walking up the street, I was able to put my hand on his shoulder & tell him I loved him very much.. I was only there BECAUSE I was against slavery.... Too old now to picket....Boo Hoo it was fun.....

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