LOL @ surreptitious!
this is a v. timely topic.
scenario: you meet a person and like this person.
all of your friends tell you to beware of the person.
do you ignore their warnings and give your all to the friendship or are you more cautious than you would have been otherwise?.
so many people that i have contacted or emailed show the same fear as well as i do.
now that we have backed away from the wts many still want to hide.
i have contacted several people that are in fear to reveal themselves.
hi mole - It may take years to overcome the WT indoctrination, and the phobias they have implanted. It is a constant and at times painful process.
Its been helpful for me to read the threads here and learn about the abuses of the WT. Many xJws feel as you do.
i see a lot of hopelessness and cynicism now.
are you actually happier now than when you were a jehovah's witness?
Great post, OCW!
I was very depressed growing up in the troof. Now that I'm out i'm less so, and still working on "issues." I try to be in the moment and see the beauty in every moment.
did you have any unusual experiences while you were a witness?.......i was working out in service with an old brother who was as zealous as anyone i ever knew.
he would knock on the door a number of times, ring the bell, knock on the window and ring the bell again.
if he believed someone was home, he'd wear down the householder to open that door.
so THAT's why my lawn is so brown... wonder if the elder had prostate trouble?
Once, my FS partner stopped a teenage girl walking down the street to offer her the mags. The girl was polite, and while listening to the sermon, stepped backward into a pile of dog turds. We tried to tell her, "watch where you're stepping," she didn't seem to hear us. She kept moving her feet nervously, (probably wanting to run away) and smeared it all over her shoes and the side walk.
While we were talking to her, our FS group caught up with us, and one of the elderettes went right up to her and said, "You're stepping in dog poop." The girl turned red, but continued to make polite chit chat because my partner was on a roll. We finally said goodbye to her so she could go home and clean her shoes.
willyloman used that expression in a different thread.
what publications do you have in your "theocratic"----i mean, "apostate library"?
I'm new at this, so I only have a few:
JWs and the Problem of Mento' Illness -Jerry Bergman Ph.D. (I couldn't put it down!!)
JWs and the Hour of Darkness -that Barefoot guy
Blood on the Altar - David Reed
a couple of Freeminds tapes and CDs
Recently borrowed Apocalypse Delayed and Accidental Autobiography from library.
If i keep buying new books I won't be able to afford my drug drinking habit any more.
some here may have noticed that recently teejay and i got into it a little bit on a thread i started about the locking of threads.
about two years ago teejay and i got into it a few times in other threads.
as much as i thought teejay was an intelligent guy and i have always gotten a kick out of his sarcastic sense of humor i still thought he loved to stir things up and take a few unnecessary jabs at people simply for the sake of jabbing them and causing trouble.. teejay called me tonight.
someone just reminded me of the written review, i had totally forgotten about them.
hate them?
at least there was'nt anyone up blabbering on the platform.
The first one I did, I wrote "I don't Know" next to nearly every answer. in later years, I passed notes and doodled. the hall did get very quiet, didn't it? it was kinda nice....
but could foresee the future and saw that your body was thrown into the woods to rot, would it bother you?
i don't mind feedin' the wildlife as long as i'm dead. it has a cylic finality to it... you feed the next generation of carrion eaters, scavengers, insects, grubs, etc... and a part of you lives on in them.
the watchtower society tries to "demonize" the internet.
what damage do you think the internet has caused on the jehovah's witness religion??
I worry about the thousands that will be baptized in the third world this year. How many years before witnesses in these countries find out they have been sold a myth?
Well said, jgnat. BTW, who's the babe in the photo? Is that you?
one congregation in the 70's allowed only white shirts to be worn on the platform.
if an out of town speaker didn't know the "rule", it was ok. the brothers kept a variety of white shirts in different sizes in case that happened.