Chevysntats: If this was really your point your introduction to the thread was somewhat misleading IMO.
If the question is: "What really happened from the (supposed) beginning of the world down to, say, the 2nd century CE?", clearly the answer won't be found in the texts gathered in what we call the Bible, even if you can read them in their original languages and need no translation at all. At most you could find some clues which would have to be confronted to external data. Whatever the case translation is hardly at stake.
If the question is: "Are the final texts, as were accepted on one side by early Rabbinical judaism and on the other side by the early Catholic Church during the 2nd century CE, accurately translated into modern languages", it is an altogether different question which calls for more nuanced answers.
One important factor in the discussion is that many Biblical texts just don't MEAN to be historical.