(((((Talesin))))) sounds wonderful- Ilove it when unexpected things like that happen...is she the woman who sang the 'In the arms of the angels' track/ ? that tears me up everytime-i think it was written when her husband died-someone at college made a video art piece with that as a sound track it was incredible with the footage...glad you had fun
JoinedPosts by reboot
Ladies and Gentlemen ....... Diana Krall!! (a concert, and a reunion)
by talesin ini got a phone call the other night, an old friend wanted to get in touch.
one of my childhood friends, and a former jw.
he invited me to go see krall, he had skybox tickets and wanted to reunite.
A Question Of Manners.
by Englishman ini'm looking for some feedback here.
hl and i like to socialise sometimes, and this often results in us hosting small parties for a few friends.. often our friends reciprocate, and then we enjoy being guests instead of being hosts.. but we keep encountering a dilemma.
one set of friends like us to visit them for afternoon bbq's or sometimes for evening dinner parties.. now, no problem with dinner parties, but if say we go to a bbq at around 4.30, they expect us to remain with them for the entire evening right through until around 11 pm or midnight, the same time as we'd stay to if we went to a late dinner party.. personally, i've had enough at about 9 pm, that's 5 hours, so we like to leave and have a pint or two in the pub on the way home.. now this makes them quite angry and they say that we're being anti-social because we are off to the pub instead of spending the whole evening with them.. i maintain that if you go to tea or a bbq in the late afternoon, then it's quite acceptable to depart earlier than if you went to a late dinner party.. what do you think?.
I had a friend over for lunch today...she left by 6 and I was pleased really as I had all the school stuff to get ready, ironing for the week and a painting to finish...but then she's busy too.....
Sometimes I have to get tactical...one couple always leave at 2am when ever they start, evey time they come........so I invite them late and dont invite them unless i'm ready for a long session...
I was always brought up with the rule that the guests decide when the evening finishes....and all my friends are the same......if they got annoyed with me for leaving I don't know if i'd go again...
I've never been asked to leave or had anyone get annoyed if I go early...perhaps they wer'nt brought up properly. Eman lol ..
Being a Teenager in the Eighties.....growing up
by ScoobySnax inbreakfast television, pop socks, fingerless illuminous green/pink gloves, wham, duran duran, tears for fears, depeche mode, betamax v vhs video-recorders, legwarmers, eastenders, white socks, new 20p coin, ford escorts, leg-warmers, furry dices, rubix cubes, zx spectrum, commodore 64, pac man, atari games system, space invaders, lava lamps, fibre optic lamps, swing-ball in the garden, twister, etc etc.
the 80's i loved it.
my past.. whats your memories?.
......going to discos in vamped up school uniform dancing to Chic, gypsy skirts, revolting plastic jewellery (all are back' in' now ).... .
progressing to ....... Glastonbury, The Elephant fair festivals, The Cure, Morrissey, the Dammned,The Skids, The Stranglers, The Style Council (' Long hot Summer'...)
6th form parties and evenings spent travelling down to the beach with the love of my life and his mohican; loads of us piling in to cars, his red mini cooper with the hole in the floor, planning to go to art college together...lighting fires on the beach and being wrapped in his coat when it grew cold........Scooby, what are you doing to me??!
Frankie says Relax
ah, scoob..that was a brilliant one -'Welcome to the Pleasuredome ' and 'Two Tribes' bring back memories too...
Apostafests: Sorting out The Men from The Boys.
by Englishman ini've been to a fair few fests now.
loads of 'em in fact.
great fun they were too.
sirona, so sorry I cant make it-ive been ill this week with a viral infection and cant find any cheap flights..im carless this weekend...have a great time..im gutted im missing it...
The first fest I went to was Emans BBQ-nearly three years ago; the one Little Toe went to.
Being an apostofest virgin was odd for me...i'm naturally pretty confident and sociable but walking towards the front door made me feel worried I'd be over come with shyness and turn mute........I remember Eman thinking I was very confident and all the time I was shaking in my flip flops...
I was really nervous and wondered what I was doing. Eman and her ladyship were so welcoming .. and everyone I met was lovely....we seemed to get on so well and I felt immense grattitide and a feeling shared experiences spoken or unspoken .Knowing a little of the personality of the people youre meeting for the first time in the flesh does mean when you meet them it's very easy to talk to them.
It certainly seems to make me feel very protective of you all
there is someone who went that I havnt heard or seen since--(((((I hope everything's ok for her)))))
I think the mutual understanding of past experiences does tend to create an immediate bond, which is understandable and expected, but still odd each time I experience it,,Ive made some very close friends through the fests and i'm really glad theyre in my life.We meet up for days out and have a lot of fun,In Feb I went up to Manchester, driving over 300 miles with a Pudd, whom Id never met before, I was worried we'd sit in silence for 5 hours but we didnt stop all the way up or back and now is a really good friend.
Getting drunk with you all makes me laugh so hard my sides ache the next day
What a lovely fellow is Gadget
by mouthy in.
i just had a wondeful visit with paul..... what a nice chap....smashing motor bike he was riding.... isnt it wonderful to know we can meet disagree on our faith & still have upbuilding loving conversations..... he will post pictures of us.. he wanted me to get on the big- but to old to cock the leg over lol...... thanks paul for taking the time to visit (((((((((hugs))))) & thanks for the lovely gift .....
(((Mouthy))) did he give you that hug that I sent down with him ? I'm so happy you had a nice day together.
do your kids ever feel morally superior to you...?......lol...
by reboot in.
i'm never going to live this down......i gave my daughter a talking to about drinking last week, mentioning health issues and the dangers of binge drinking as she'd been to a party and had had a few too many....we talked and she agreed to be more sensible...... fast forward to last night...i went to a friend's son's bbq for his 21st birthday..it was really hot and the wine was flowing..i started at 2pm through to around 1030..i cant actually remember .... .when it was time to leave.i tried to walk home and just.... could'nt--i seemed to walk forwards one and back three and was laughing so hard my stomach hurt and i could'nt stand up........ my friend's son offered to carry me home...wrapped up in a blanket....bless him....when he got to my door he propped me against the front of the car and i kind of folded in the middle, face down and hit my forehead on the bonnet........... ......theyve all been round to laugh at my hangover from hell.
Gadget takes a few week off and your bonking your head on bonnets already.
I know, I need a minder Shotgun.......and where's that breast video you promised me...?(now I sound like a bisexual pervert drunk type mother....) ah, steph, it's great, at the time and if everyone else is.....i'm still ill today tho........got to go to college now..lectures to sit through....... pray for me...
(((Elmer))) thats sad if youre not an alcoholic or smoking near the child...maybe she'll come round...xxx
do your kids ever feel morally superior to you...?......lol...
by reboot in.
i'm never going to live this down......i gave my daughter a talking to about drinking last week, mentioning health issues and the dangers of binge drinking as she'd been to a party and had had a few too many....we talked and she agreed to be more sensible...... fast forward to last night...i went to a friend's son's bbq for his 21st birthday..it was really hot and the wine was flowing..i started at 2pm through to around 1030..i cant actually remember .... .when it was time to leave.i tried to walk home and just.... could'nt--i seemed to walk forwards one and back three and was laughing so hard my stomach hurt and i could'nt stand up........ my friend's son offered to carry me home...wrapped up in a blanket....bless him....when he got to my door he propped me against the front of the car and i kind of folded in the middle, face down and hit my forehead on the bonnet........... ......theyve all been round to laugh at my hangover from hell.
I'm never going to live this down......I gave my daughter a talking to about drinking last week, mentioning health issues and the dangers of binge drinking as she'd been to a party and had had a few too many....we talked and she agreed to be more sensible.....
fast forward to last night...I went to a friend's son's BBQ for his 21st birthday..It was really hot and the wine was flowing..I started at 2pm through to around 1030..I cant actually remember ......had a great night, but forgot to eat ( the sun mustve dehydrated me as I could'nt have had that much....)
.when it was time to leave.I tried to walk home and just.... could'nt--i seemed to walk forwards one and back three and was laughing so hard my stomach hurt and I could'nt stand up.......
my friend's son offered to carry me home...wrapped up in a blanket....bless him....when he got to my door he propped me against the front of the car and I kind of folded in the middle, face down and hit my forehead on the bonnet...........I was so embarassed as unfortunately this was witnessed by my daughter's friend who was coming home from a night out; he couldnt stop laughing and texted my daughter and all their friends to tell them about me....ar'nt kids cruel...? LOL
......theyve all been round to laugh at my hangover from hell. too....... have your kids ever been this irriating..? tell me it's not just mine...
Gadget's In Toronto
by RAYZORBLADE inok, in case some of you folks missed it: gadget is here in toronto.. toronto?
hell...doesn't anyone follow their geography?.
he's in canada/canuckistan.. we've got some pictures.
Gadget's just been for a ride on the ' Maid of the Mist'.......................... with a hangover........
(((you ok baby?))) LOL
hes right at the top now...........so glad you're having such a great time ! .
Going Bald?
by Puternut inok, i went to get my hair cut yesterday, and i told her i wanted to do something different.
i've had it long, then colored it blonde, spiked it, and now it's short.
she said how about bald?
I think it looks delicious if you've got a nicely shaped head and good features...but you've got to get the clothes right too...yu've got to have that strong urban look going on...i've just seen a bald Brad Pitt in Fight Club..,,,he looked quite nice..........it is lovely to play with....my son had it once and I loved to feel his fuzzy little head
Stopping smoking and EnglishMan
by Celtic inbloomin hec, i go on like this and i'll be so cleaner living person that day in witlesses will pale in comparison.. as some of you know, i gave up smoking cannabis several weeks ago, and to be honest, don't really find i'm missing it, was sending me cuckoo la la too much.
cut my drinking way back, this past winter, i was concerned that the amount i was intaking was getting a bit out of hand, plus not all the time, did i like what it was doing to me, and i'm sure others thought i was quite loopy on the stuff too, so, down to just a tinny a night now, 'cept for last night when i had 5 or 6, the post shows the effect, though of course, i did write that just for a laugh.. i got up this morning, smoked my usual hand rolled tobacco, and thought why the hell am i doing this, smoking me little cancer stick, even the taste of it is foul, disgusting.
so, just now i thought right thats it, so i slapped a 10mg patch on my arm and have decided to give it a ruddy good crack at giving it up all together as of now.
Celtic, it's not too tough..you'll be fine...
I gave up a few years ago now and hav'nt given in yet..though I do crave them on hot days in pub beer gardens...
When you said the patches wer'nt strong enough , it reminded me that I used something called 'Stoppers' for a few weeks; you can buy them in chemist's. It's a little box like a tic-tac box full of nicotine tabs which have a great hit! they really reach the spot-I want one now actually just thinking about them , lol .
you just tuck them in your cheek and they slowly dissolve. If I was feeling particularily desperate i'd tip them in my mouth but i'm an all or nothing girl-ive stopped taking and smoking everything years ago and just run or cycle obsessively instead
keep it up-i'll be checking on you...