It's really not all that complicated, children (may you all have peace!)
1. My Lord was put to death in the flesh and resurrected in the spirit in the Spring of 30C.E...
2. Shortly after that, my Father's 'blood' and 'reproductive power', holy spirit... the SOURCE of life, was initially poured out upon some of the 'seed' of the 'woman', to thus 'fertilize' [them]...
3. By means of the One whom my Father granted to 'pour out' such 'blood' or spirit... or 'WATER'...
4. And as a result, those who 'belong' to my Lord... DURING HIS PRESENCE (which would mean from his birth in the flesh until his return... at which time EVERY eye will see him)... by means of being 'in union' with him through that holy spirit... and DIE... in the flesh... before my Lord's return, arrival, whathaveyou... are resurrected... in the spirit... and thus, will 'put on' that which is 'incorrupt'... 'whites robes'... SPIRIT bodies...
6. As those who 'belong' to my Lord, by means of being 'in union' with him through holy spirit... but have NOT died... ARE CHANGED... transfigured... metamorphosed... into such incorrupt white robes... spirit bodies...
7. And since some of us are still here, this has NOT occurred yet, but...
8. The first thing that occurs is my such ones are 'gathered' by my Lord's angels...
9. Then Satan is abyssed...
10. Then such ones will 'sit down on thrones'... WITH MY LORD... and have gathered before them 'all the nations of the earth'... who have NOT died, but are NOT 'in union' with my Lord by means of holy spirit...
11. And SEPARATE such people into two groups... sheep... by means of having 'done good' to such 'united' ones... or goats... by means of having NOT 'done good' to such 'united' ones...
12. Which separation takes approximately 1,000 years, which appears, however, as a 'day', because the aging process, etc., is once again slowed during that time...
13. And Satan is STILL abyssed...
14. And the 'sheep', by means of having the same 'faith' as Rahab, in that they are NOT 'Israelites' by means of holy spirit, but exercise faith in the GOD of the Israelites by 'doing by nature the things of the law', that is... showing love TOWARD Israel...
15. Are ALSO given 'white robes'... spirit bodies... they AND in many cases, their entire households... just as Rahab and her household was taken into Israel, although NOT circumcised and/or under the Law Covenant, and thus, not 'clean'... by the standards of the law, but deemed so purely due to FAITH...
16. And are granted ENTRY into the kingdom being ruled by Christ and his 'brothers' (which brothers, btw, consist of 144,000 from 'among the sons of Israel, 12,000 from each tribe... AND a 'great crowd out of ALL nations, which NO man was able to number', in fulfillment to my Father's promise to Abraham as well as my Lord's promise to any who put faith in him who were NOT Abraham's seed...)...
17. And become SUBJECTS of that kingdom... which was 'prepared for them' from the founding of the world...
18. But the 'goats' are left in the flesh, and thus 'cut off' from entry into the kingdom, the City of New Jerusalem, wherein exists the 'Tree of Life', from which if any eat, they will live FOREVER... because flesh... with its blood... cannot ENTER into the kingdom... and so my means of remaining in the flesh, such ones are 'everlastingly cut off' from entrance into the city...
19. Which city, after the 'marriage' of the Lamb (my Lord) and his 'bride' (the 'body' of Christ, consisting of all those 'in union' with him... Israel AND the nations...)... comes down 'OUT of heaven'... to the earth'... which is how such 'kings and priests rule UPON the earth'...
20. And during this time, a battle ensues, between my Lord and 'those chosen and faithful'... and the False Prophet and Wild Beast... and those who side up with them... the latter two which are destroyed and in the Lake of Fire... everlasting destruction... and THEIR followers (not all of the goats follow them, but many do...) who are killed and have their carcasses eating by the wild beast so as not to leave such a mess...
21. Shortly after which Satan, who has been abyssed this entire time, is 'loosed'...
22. And goes out the mislead Gog (the angels hurled out of heaven with him, but NOT those 'abyssed', for they are still in the sea, where they were confined when the swine went over the cliff...)
23. And Magog (the 'goats')...
24. Into thinking they can in fact 'conquer' the walls of the City of New Jerusalem and gain entry so that they CAN indeed eat from the Tree of Life and life... FOREVER...
25. Which IS the 'gathering' of such ones to 'the place that is in Hebrew called "HarMaggedon"'...
26. At which time fire... from the person of my Father... comes down out of heaven and destroys such ones... rebellious angels AND human 'goats'...
27. Thus CLEANSING the heavens AND the earth... wickedness in the spirit realm and wickedness in the physical realm... which is why Peter said they were 'stored up for fire'...
28. And resulting in a NEW heavens and NEW earth... NO wickedness in either realm...
29. Which IS 'the War of the Great Day of God Almighty'... ARMAGEDDON... and takes place 'AFTER the 1,000 years have ended'...
30. After which time, my Father sits down on HIS throne now to judge, and all those who were not resurrected during the first resurrection (which are those who did NOT 'belong' to my Lord... and died, whether during his presence or before...)...
32. Are resurrected and stand before Him for "Judgment Day"...
33. Including the ANGELS THAT SINNED, who have been reserved in "Tartarus"... the 'pit of the abyss'... thus, 'the sea gave up those dead in IT'...
34. And He is given two (2) sets of scrolls...
35. One which contains the deeds of ALL such ones before Him...
36. And the other which is my Lord, the Lamb's, Book of Life...
37. And ALL of the deeds of such ones, spirit and flesh... are read from the first set of scrolls...
38. And because ALL these have sinned, at some point or another...
39. And the 'wages' of sin is death...
40. ALL are at risk of receiving everlasting destruction...
41. UNLESS, their names are found written in the Lamb's book...
42. Which, if so, 'blots out' their sins, and thus renders them 'clean'... sinLESS...
43. And so in line to receive a 'white robe' or spirit body and access into the kingdom...
44. Or... if not... judgment... which results in sentencing...
45. Which means everlasting destruction in the Lake of Fire...
46. Which is the ONLY means to kill the body... AND the spirit/soul.
47. The flesh, indeed, can die... but the SPIRIT... must be completely destroyed.
That's it, dear ones. That's all. And that's the truth, just as I have heard it from my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Son of the Holy One of Israel, JAH OF ARMIES... and so, I have related it to you.
I bid you all peace!
A slave of Christ,