JoinedTopics Started by Enishi
The Devil, The Original Serpent?
by Faraon inhttp://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?doc=perseus%3atext%3a1999.01.0146&query=whiston%20chapter%3d%232&layout=&loc=1.1
flavious josephus was a jewish historian, who lived around the times near when jesus was supposed to be alive.
(from 37 ce to circa 100 ce).
Well, I suppose an introduction is in order
by Enishi ini've been lurking on this site for the past two months and just now decided to post.
i was raised a witness, and got baptised only a couple years ago.
however, shortly after my baptism i started having doubts, and began to suffer from low self esteem.
Man Who Terrorized JWs Sentenced
by Kenneson inmost of you will remember the story that came out at the beginning of august (this year) dealing with anthony burton, who barged into a jw service, and robbed the congregation at samurai sword point.
well, he received 5 years, a fitting halloween sentence.
see "5 years for church heist.
Comments You Won't Hear at the 11-2-03 WT Study
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 11-02-03 wt study
review comments will be in black and parentheses ()
wt quotes will be in
Paradise Erf - What did you NOT look forward to?
by Nosferatu inremember when you were in the troof, and had the thoughts of paradise erf continually being pounded into your head?
you'd be able to pet lions, eat fruit, and smile, but there were things that were going to be destroyed at armageddon.
what were you going to miss in the old world?
Your Favorite Scary Movie?
by Valis ini watched this on bravo last night.
so what's yer favorite movie for spookiness on halloween?.
creature: "i have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine.
What scams did you use for counting your time?
by Ivor Hope in.
flowerpetals post and thread reminded me of some of the scams we would use to try to show the maximum numbers of hours spent in "service" for the smallest amount of effort.
here's some of the ones i remember...just wondered if any of you had any other memories.. .
NDE' & OBE's
by DebraDoll inplease accept my request in the spirit it is meant-no unkindness is implied here but i must limit the responses and information as this is a big course project due very soon!
those of you who experienced either (or both!
) phenomenon while you were still an active member of the borg only, please contact me asap, if you are comfortable relating your experience to me.
Belief-o-matic test
by qwerty ini know i know this as been done before , i fink!
if you haven't taken the test before, give it a go see how far down the list if at all jw is.
Any other martial artist online
by kenpodragon ini went from the jw's and got heavy into martial arts.
i have a black belt in kenpo karate, tkd, and kenjitsu and also hold ranks in jujitsu and other lower ranks in other systems.
i learned ages ago it is nothing evil like witnesses said it was, and have actually trained a few ex-jw's in my time.