Yep, sounds like you are in New Jersey
JoinedPosts by Atilla
Darn Flies
by RR inso, i'm in the basement for most of the afternoon, watching a little tv, do a little study, search the net, and i have three flies bugging the heck out of me.
just swarming over my head.
above me is the ceiling light, and the light from the monitor plus the little 13" tv, they just fly around buging me.
Dear Pioneer Couple:
by Atilla inmy parents became dubs in the late 70's, after the 1975 debacle.
admitedly, my mom did have one dub relative on her side of the family but the main reason my parents became dubs was because of one influential and convincing pioneer couple who studied with them.
i know we are all mostly victims of victims but often i think of what if, what if that pioneer couple had never studied with my parents, perhaps i would have had a much better childhood and a better start to my adulthood.
I just found out from my parents that this couple was back in town from their missionary assignment in Grenada. I found out where they were staying and called the man up. This by far was the most rewarding thing I have done so far. I talked to the man for about half an hour, he showed no remorse for converting my parents to dubs and said that he pitied me and that I would not survive armageddon at my current rate. I'm shaking, not.
Anyways, I asked him about retirement, what would he do when he got really old, needed a wheelchair, and he said not to worry, that he would be taken care of. Funny, how dubs prepare for their retirement in their own little way, building up a network of dubs that they converted or helped out, putting in all of their service, and then expecting help later on. Anways we covered many topics, none of which he had an answer for including what he would do 10 years from now if no Armageddon appears. We concluded the conversation by him saying that he has never had a disgruntled convert call him before in all his years of service. Well, it's about time I said and that I hold him personally responsible.
Well, that is that and my parents will probably be very upset since they really like the pioneer couple. Funny, I think they thought I had fond memories of the pioneer couple or something.
Dear Pioneer Couple:
by Atilla inmy parents became dubs in the late 70's, after the 1975 debacle.
admitedly, my mom did have one dub relative on her side of the family but the main reason my parents became dubs was because of one influential and convincing pioneer couple who studied with them.
i know we are all mostly victims of victims but often i think of what if, what if that pioneer couple had never studied with my parents, perhaps i would have had a much better childhood and a better start to my adulthood.
The special room in high school for JWs
by Nosferatu ini don't know how many of you went through this, but did you have to go to a special classroom with other jws in it for the national anthem?.
i remember encountering this, and i thought it was weird.
i remember being told not to be in the classroom, but this was a classroom!
When I first started High School, it was the library for special events like assemblies and christmas plays but then for the last two years, we ended up in a boring study hall room for hours along with all the regular miscreants, you know the bad kids who were tardy or had in school suspension, or didn't hand in their homework. So basically, it was double punishment.
Mis-placed Elders
by tazmaniac indid you have elders in your congregation that were in positions they could not handle?
we used to have a school overseer that was one of the worst public speakers we ever had.
funny watching mothers faces while their child was being counseled on a point that the school overseer himself never mastered.
If you ask me, at least in my KH, all of the elders were mis-placed, not having the proper experiece or schooling to be giving counsel to those in the KH.
Are We Gaining the Advantage?
by metatron inare we, as ex-jw's or clandestine fake witnesses gaining the advantage in familial and social relations?.
while many of you still suffer from watchtower-dictated isolation, i feel that generally, the advantage is shifting our way.. there's light at the end of the tunnel.
i offer this opinion based on observation of my extended family and many comments.
I can only speak for myself and my area but I do feel that I'm gaing the advantage. I have done so much good work already.
US Service Report - May 2004
by truthseeker init seems as if the year text theme for this year, "keep on the watch" is having little effect on the jws in north america.
here are the figures for may 2004. spl pioneers: 260. pioneers: 90, 751. aux.
pios: 61, 673. publishers: 839, 095. total: 991, 779. .
For May, the aux. pioneers went down by almost 20,000; the number of regular pioneers dropped by 1150 and total number of publishers dropped by about 15,000.
It seems there is a drop off in zeal
As I recall, it was in May that gas prices really began to shoot up to like over $2. So perhaps, JW's with their heavy dependence on oil, need to switch to a different technology.
In which congregations is DA/DF announced?
by GermanXJW inas i wrote in jwd i sent my da letter and am now officially out.
since i have moved they have announced it in my current home congregation where nobody has ever heard of me.
but now i have been told that they usually inform the boe of all the congregations you have ever attended and those decide if they announce it there as well.. do you have any information on this?
So technically you are only DF'd in that congregation, not by the whole organization.
Actually, that does seem to make sense because I remember I guy who was DF'd in our KH, moved away to Georgia or something and I never heard anything else about him until like two years later when they announced from our KH that he had been reinstated.
I was curious if anyone one would want to join me in DA'ing themselves on like on set date? Just think, if we could get like 100 people to all DA themselves in the same day writing a letter to Brooklyn and their local KH, it would be like a whole Congregation disappearing at one time, like poof.
JW SINGLES site shut down due to GUILT!
by Survivor2004 inhi folks.. i have been lurking on and off for about 2 years now and before i did post a couple threads under my old alias but it wont accept it for some reason so i had to re-join.. anyway there was a singles site called by a nice fellow who wanted to help other lonely jw single folks meet but he is about to shut it down despite some success stories which i guess makes the elders upset.. i had joined two years ago and was on the mailing list(i,ve been inactive for about 5 years now)thats the short version,anyway,i got this e-mail from him the other day and it really infuriated me because he did nothing wrong but again the organization wants to control every aspect of their lives,including not letting jw,s put up harmless websites for singles to meet.after all in many many congregations there is a severe shortage of available singles right?and,if they dont even want you to look for a mate in their own organization (on the net) then they will look outside of the organization but i guess they are too dense to understand that.. his letter wreaks of guilt and he hangs his head in shame at congregations.i fail to see how he has stumbled others here.its none of others business what adult jw,s want to meet someone.. i understand the heartache of being all alone for many many years with no one and no suitable mates there as they were too stuffy and i felt like i could never match up no matter how hard i tried.i shed too many tears to count as im sure many here have as well.. anyway here is the e-mail.. greetings friends.. this will most likely be the last message you recieve from jw the site has been running for several years now with its main goal to help those of like faith find and if they wish contact each other.we,ve met that goal with several success very glad to say that an old friend of mine from a congregation in maryland met a wonderful sister from california.after months of phone calls and trips and bible studies over the phone,they were married.both are extremely happy with their new mates.. there are other stories the friends have shared when asking to have their profiles removed.. however i cannot continue to justify the site against the councel of the wbt society.i am tired of sinking in my seat at assemblies and conventions when they mention websites to is also not my place to second guess the faithful and discreet salve and the connection they have with jehovahs spirit in guiding the organization in these last days.while i believe that with proper theocratic guidelines this site can be used ,like many have demonstrated to a good cause,i will not possibly stumble my brothers and sisters.. i have thought of selling the site to help recoup the expenses i incurred while developing and running the site ,but again i dont want the responsibility of passing it off to someone else,possibly a wordly company or person.. after the last paying members subscription has run out,i will open the full site with access to every member .this will be the last chance to try and contact some of the 2000 members we have.right now im targeting september as the final month the site will run.our information on the site will be deleted as the database of users is erased.if you care to make a donation of any size while the site is still open to everyone our paypal address is _________ or contact me for a mailing address.. thanks to all those who have tried to help and build the idea i had into a functioning and useful program.i wish you all well and continued strenght in this time of the end.all of the friends are tired and are struggling just to make it to meetings instead of staying home with a headache or working a little upbuilding to each other ,help to show love amongst ourselves and continue to walk with god until the end.. agape.
Yuck, his letter makes me ill and he seems cheap if you ask me. Why doesn't he just refund the money and end it now if the site is so wrong. I mean if your caught having unmarried sex, do you tell the elders you will quit in a few months, say September. Also, uh, the agape ending, makes me ill. I can say at least I never used that cheesy JW fake talk.
You just gotta see this!
by gumby in
Is it just me or does it look like this dog trick is being performed in a Kingdom Hall parking lot? I mean there are no cars, so it would seem like a KH parking lot and that carport with the two pillars just screams KH!