Topics Started by amac
Malawi vs UN scandal and the #$&* hits the fan
by amac inso the $*&# is starting to hit the fan as far as our fading away goes.
a friend approached my spouse and confronted her on our kids going to a birthday party.
it turned into a long discussion and at one point the un scandal came up and my spouse compared it to the brothers in malawi who died rather than get a political card.
JW kid fights back against bully!!! Good for him!
by amac in.
A copy of Bush's Resume just hit the net!
by amac inwith the help of my father and our right-wing friends in the oil.
i am the first president in u.s. history to have the united nations.
bankrupt companies are sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public.
Have you ever been compelled to talk someone into STAYING a JW?
by amac inmy jw father in law was recently stumbled over something rather silly.
this has happened before and he seems to think when he has a personal problem with someone that he'll show em by just not going to meetings and assuming that jws can't be right if people like those he has issues with are part of it.
normally this would be great, but when this happened in the past, he was just a grumpy work-a-holic and his wife was miserable.
NFL - Week 3
by amac inhere's my picks (a day early):.
indianapolis over jacksonville.
minn over detroit.
Bush changes his tune...
by amac ini may be late on this...i know a thread talked about blair changing his tune, but i thought today's new was ashame...the larger point is and the fundamental question is, 'did saddam hussein have a weapons program?
' and the answer is, 'absolutely,' " bush told reporters after a meeting with u.n. secretary-general kofi annan.
so now its not that they had wmd, but instead a wmd program!
Is the average U.S. Citizen's view of civilian war casualties sanitized?
by amac inwe are a different generation than those of times past who are used to casualties of war.
we are spoiled with an inundation of technological advances in the last 25 years to the point where, in general, we expect surgical warfare and are shocked when things like a bomb being dropped near a wedding happens.
i wonder how the nation's view on this war would have been affected if the majority of people had lived through a modern war.
by amac ini don't know if anyone has posted on this already but there is a new press release at that defines the current jw policy and i believe it has taken a step in the right direction!.
although they have not literally changed it to require reporting to the authorities in all states, they have finally put into print the following: "additionally, the victim may wish to report the matter to the authorities, and it is his or her absolute right to do so.".
i am glad to see, straight from the wt, acknowledgement that the adults involved have every right to go to the police.
What are some PRO JW sites where...
by amac inthey might be talking about dateline?
i would like to discuss this show with some jws to see some average reactions of the show.