Hi Joe,
I am sorry you are still entwined in the JW cult.
I was a Witness for 26 years. I started going door to door when I was four. In all those years I never saw them help anyone who wasn't a JW.
The way you feel about JWs is probably the same way that the people who followed Jim Jones or David Koresh felt. Their followers found what they would have described as a loving place with them. They helped their people with their needs when they were in trouble. I am sure their followers thought that they proved everything from the Bible to them. I don't belive that these things necessarily make a religion a good place to be.
The Witnesses close you off from the rest of the world. They always talk about the evilness of the world the way that you do. Yes, there is a lot of bad in the world; but, there is also a lot of good. They tell you what to do and what not to do in every part of your life.
Go in service. Not enough.......bad
Don't masturbate.......you do......bad
Read witness literature....Not enough.....bad
Study your watchtower....oops didn't .....bad
Wear the proper clothing....ooops skirt too short.....bad
Don't associate with people who aren't witnesses.....oops I had lunch with a boy at work.........bad
Don't listen to music that is not upbuilding.....oops I listened to I Can't Get No Satisfaction AND I liked it.(I'm old, okay?LOL) ...........bad
Don't have independant thinking.......oops I looked at an ex-JW site and posted on it......bad
Living in constant fear even as a small child isn't my idea of happiness.
I feel sorry for you that you are still caught in that web. I hope you find your way out.
A big hug to you.
Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.