Isn't "faith" the belief in realities though they are not beheld (according to Paul)
So isn't being a believer in something (such as God) which takes faith and not knowledge, being an agnostic?
Just asking.
i know the answer, because i am agnostic.
it is strange to me that people assume if you say you are agnostic that it means you don't believe in god.
from wiki.... agnostics claim either that it is not possible to have absolute or certain knowledge of the existence or nonexistence of god or gods; or, alternatively, that while individual certainty may be possible, they personally have no knowledge.
Isn't "faith" the belief in realities though they are not beheld (according to Paul)
So isn't being a believer in something (such as God) which takes faith and not knowledge, being an agnostic?
Just asking.
did anyone see the information on a recent watchtower study article (w-07 0/01, p. 30, 16) in which a witness who quitted his job and started selling ice cream on the streets in order to have more time to preach, is presented as a good example?
i found it extremely offensive and asked myself: are they really serious or is this joke?
but the worst part is that no one else in the hall seemed to find it offensive, with the exception of a ministerial servant who privately told me it was an act of disrespect on the part of the society.
I've learned they NEVER tell the whole story. These so called "examples" are used over and over again. No names. No specifics. Just some guilt to club the western dubs with.
And just what the hell is so wonderful about pioneering? I did it for years and I was exhausted at the end. Maybe i just didn't have the "spirit."
i was checking out a wikepedia article on genghis khan and saw these tidbits: .
china reportedly suffered a drastic decline in population during 13th and 14th centuries.
before the mongol invasion, chinese dynasties reportedly had approximately 120 million inhabitants; after the conquest was completed in 1279, the 1300 census reported roughly 60 million people.
Thanks for the thread. It does show how egocentric the Bible tends to be when everything in the Universe hangs in the balance within the sphere
of a few shepherds and herders of goats. Civilizations far removed from Abraham's decendants, along with their accomplishments and failures, help
to put things in perspective.
if someone is 'sincere' about their belief or beliefs in 'something' does that make their actions and the repurcussions of their actions excusable and their right to continue in that belief also excusable?.
mr bush sincerely believed that god told him to invade iraq.. mr blair said he 'sincerely believed' that was the right thing to do.. apologists and semi apologists for the wt and misled members of the wt, including those who harrassed dh, believe that we should excuse these people, (jws) because they are 'sincere.. so, does being 'sincere' about a belief or your beliefs mean that everyone else has to 'let' you do what you think is right and 'let you off' the repurcussions of those beliefs and actions and even 'punish' those who disagree with you?.
sincere is a very overrated word in my opinion and too many people use it as a shield to protect them from the repurcussions of their actions.. the same applies to the world religion!
I sicerely believe that you are right.
SIncerely yours,
part of the wts theocratic war strategy on the blood issue is to tell the rank and file to say to doctors and others that they have the right to refuse medical treatment of any.
kind and control their own health care.
they tell the rank and file, however, that the reason blood is refused is a matter of faith and not medicine.
Part of the WTS theocratic war strategy on the blood issue is to tell the rank and file to say to doctors and others that they have the right to refuse medical treatment of any
kind and control their own health care. They tell the rank and file, however, that the reason blood is refused is a matter of faith and not medicine. They then inform the
rank and file on MEDICAL ISSUES (such as blood substittutes, etc...)
Is the WTS through their publications and specifically through their HLC Committees practicing medicine without a license? It seems they are dispensing MEDICAL advice
and not religious advice when they tell a member to use one treatment over another, regardless of the charade of "spiritual" advice. And if they are, in fact, practicing medicine, couldn't they be sued using this angle? I mean, everyone has the right to his religoius beliefs, but they do not have the right to influence medical decisions disguised as spiritual beleifs.
sorry, i embedded it, but i guess it didn't work.
it showed up on my computer.
thanks for posting it, wac.... .
It seems a very narrow legal argument: The kid had a lawyer who did not offer her the advice and counsel a lawyer has a duty to administer. It isn't about the sincerity of his beleifs, or the
possible success/failure of the medical protocol, but about HIS CONDUCT viv a vis his legal obligation. Religious belief is not a sheild against the improper discharge
of a fiduciary duty and negligence should be decided by a fact finder: JURY TRIAL
I hope they toast his ass and take his law license.
search this title: jehovah's witnesses silentlambs - dallason you tube.. why can't these types of broadcasts be nationwide?.
More JW's need to see this.
hi everybody, my name is julie, and this is my first post.. i'm a third generation jw, or at least i was until a two weeks ago, when i was announced as no longer a jw.
i'm really happy about that, ecstatic in fact, although i'd been a jw all my life, and i'm 37 now.
i could have disassociated like my friends, but i couldn't be bothered to play their chikdish game, so i let them do it for me.
I love the smell of FREEDOM FROM THE WATCHTOWER.... It smells like VICTORY!!!!
Welcome and thanks for sharing.
i refused to give a bible study to some kid.
i figured that many tried and didn't succeed.. i also didn't feel ready for that, nor did i want to drag him to each meeting after that, since he had no family in the org.
the elders weren't happy with my decision.. bottom line, you can't say no, without any consequences..
I often turned the privilege down of cleaning the hall and mowing the lawn. I had offered to pay a service to do the work and the BOE said that
would be untheocratic. So fine. They could do it. I wasn't going to anymore.
by marc morano. senior staff writer.
I saw Cosby on Meet the Press, and prior to that, have read his thoughts on this issue. The issues that Black Americans face are the issues all Americans face, except they become very pronounced in a community that is smaller and has suffered from systemic abuse. Cosby admits to the unfairness of the system. What he says is that instead of elevating yourself in spite of the system, some are buying into the system. Education is the key to getting and staying out of poverty. Taking pride in doing things well, anything well-- even a menial task--- means taking pride in yourself and responsibility for yourself. It demonstrates to others that you care about their goals, too. People who do these things succeed. I appluad his efforts.