Why don't you just quit taking her phone calls? I know it sounds like a simplistic answer, but she seems to want things HER way. You're a grown woman. Set the groundrules
for your own life. If she can't accept them, tell her to take a hike.
for those who missed the drama, you can check it out here if you wish to www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/140100/1.ashx.
for those who know a little about my past and my mother - she had the nerve to call me today and leave an urgent message for me to call her.
i thought it was about my dad or that something bad had happened since her last comment to me was that i was dead to her, or something to that effect.
Why don't you just quit taking her phone calls? I know it sounds like a simplistic answer, but she seems to want things HER way. You're a grown woman. Set the groundrules
for your own life. If she can't accept them, tell her to take a hike.
allow me to point out that, per the society's regulations, every kingdom hall has a pile of metaphorical dynamite within.
every kingdom hall.
is required to keep judicial files - often going back decades - locked in the kingdom hall.
It makes sense to keep a record of certain things. The sins and foibles of ordinary people,however, should never be documented and stored. But the WTS is a business and
runs itself like a business. Businesses keep records. I for one hate the thought of the pain and embarrasment it would cause people if these things ever would
be made public. In my congo all the elders had keys to the files. All the male heads of households had keys to the hall. It isn't difficult to get at them. They shouldn't
exist at all. Just MHO.
we've already had a post on this, but there were other interesting comments.. the brother giving the announcements said that there would be a new understanding of jesus' reference to the generation as discussed at the annual meeting.. an elder giving a service meeting part review of different watchtower articles from the current year brought out the new light concerning 1935.. he asks: "when is the sealing of the anounted ones?".
elder answers: "there is no specific date".
later after the meeting, i asked an elder if the new understanding of the remnant now meant that younger people could go to heaven.. he answered with an affirmative "yes" and that we would be getting the new understanding of the generation jesus spoke of in a future 2008 watchtower.. .
95% of official Witness teaching is speculation. I think this is great fun. How could what we say now be any whackier than what we used to believe and affirm back then?
allow me to point out that, per the society's regulations, every kingdom hall has a pile of metaphorical dynamite within.
every kingdom hall.
is required to keep judicial files - often going back decades - locked in the kingdom hall.
Hypothetically, someone could open the file cabinet, photocopy the files and replace them. No one would be the wiser until scans of the files appeared on the Internet.
How would you like the intimate details of your life or your children's lives available to such easy abuse? Could happen.
allow me to point out that, per the society's regulations, every kingdom hall has a pile of metaphorical dynamite within.
every kingdom hall.
is required to keep judicial files - often going back decades - locked in the kingdom hall.
They are, for a fact, kept in KH files, as Met points up, in flimsy file cabinets. Gotta love it.
we've already had a post on this, but there were other interesting comments.. the brother giving the announcements said that there would be a new understanding of jesus' reference to the generation as discussed at the annual meeting.. an elder giving a service meeting part review of different watchtower articles from the current year brought out the new light concerning 1935.. he asks: "when is the sealing of the anounted ones?".
elder answers: "there is no specific date".
later after the meeting, i asked an elder if the new understanding of the remnant now meant that younger people could go to heaven.. he answered with an affirmative "yes" and that we would be getting the new understanding of the generation jesus spoke of in a future 2008 watchtower.. .
You just got to love it! A very close relative of mine asked me a couple of years ago ( I was still in and an elder) what i thought about the younger GB, where they were heading,
all the emphasis on the FDS, etc... I hadn't started to fade but had been on this board and Freeminds and had read COC. My answer to him was simple: the new ones have inherited
a bunch of wild ass teachings that they are either going to have to defend or change. I think they'll change them, wouldn't you? What saddens me still is that you can see the blatant
dishonesty in all they do. You see their control and their need for power. They could just say that they're sorry, they don't know shit from shinola when it comes to prophecy,
and just want to serve God with a like minded group of people and live a moral life. But NO! They hang on to this exclusive channel of communication garbage and everything associated
with it. They act and breath with hubris and pretend it's all a revelation from God.
By their fruits you will know them. By all accounts, this bunch is rotten to the core.
Great thread.
you guys are amazing.
for some time posters here have been saying that big changes were afoot and that the "members only" wt would be used to announce this new light.
i admit i was apathetic and thought, ok, maybe.
I like Sir82's insight on the 144k. I think it will once again become a symbolic number. They have already laidd the groundwork for it by saying
1. 1935 wasn't a cut off date
2. anointed have no more insight and holy spirit than anyone else
3. the GB are the voice of all anointed (FDS)
4. there will always be anointed right up to the Big A (through the new generation teaching)
Expect the heavens to be opened once again.
why do jws have the memorial anyways?
they preach that jesus said , do this until i return.
the jws say he returned in 1914, so what gives here anyway?
If you don't understand the WTS answer, it's because you are obviously intelligent enough to discard bullsh*t when you hear it.
The whole authority doctrine of the WTS is tied up with the year 1914. If they say that Jesus has in fact "returned" then you don't need THEM(the WTS GB)
anymore. They want you to think YOU NEED THEM and they so continue this false doctrine. The Memorial simply reinforces YOUR NEED OF THEM
since the only way you can get saved, according to THEM, is to be in subordinate association with THEM. If you do not subordinate
yourself to THEM, you cannot enter into a relationship with God and subsequent salvation.
i'm sure it's legitimate, but someone with knowledge of how things work in new york.
may be able to explain the amount of money being spent by the wtb&ts on lobbyists.
here's the link:.
Why don't they just "Pray and wait on Jehovah?"
no matter where at the end of this journey i actually end up spiritually andphilosophically, one thing i am sure is that family ties are worth fighting for.
i distinctly want to avoid being disfellowshiped for any reason, if at all possible.
and, (since i am not about to go on a hedonistic crime spree) my biggest riskof being disfellowshiped is on the grounds of "apostasy", i am assuming.
Avoid the Christmas tree and light displays.