WOW! I thought it may have been God's celestial chariot on the move. I feel better now.
Posts by zack
Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! No, it's a plane! No, it's
by MadTiger ina nuclear-armed b-52.
did it fly over you?
A freaky incident just happened
by Junction-Guy inwell i was sitting here about 1 hour ago, surfing the net, and the doorbell rang.
that in itself is freaky enough, considering it was early in the morning,and as we have had alot of car burlaries here at the apartment complex, and i thought that maybe my car was hit and someone was here to tell me about it.. .
i asked who it was and he said "it's your neighbor", so i reluctantly opened the door ever so slowly and there was this young white guy in his 20's.
You did the right thing. He was up to no good.
Years ago i was staying with friends. They went to bed and I stayed up watching TV. It was about 2 am and the door bell rang. It wasn't my house, but i was curious so I looked out the peep hole and saw a young white male, shirtless. He rang the doorbell again. He then walked around to the back of the house. I went upstairs and oberved from a window. He knocked
on the back door. Then I saw that he went to the sliding doors at the rear of the house. By this time I knew I should wake my friends up. We ran downstairs and when we
got to the back of the house the guy had removed the screen and was trying to pry open the slider. My bud and I chased the guy down the street while his wife called the cops. When
we started chasing him a pick up truck parked on the street fired up and this guy jumped in the bed. The truck hauled it out of there.
I figured the guy rang the doorbell and knocked hard to see if anyone was home. When no one answered he must have thought the place was empty.
So, maybe your "guy" was trying the same thing.
Elder's School what is it?
by 5go injust so some of us may know?.
is it just a weekend brow beating, or something more sinister.. i ask because of the rumor going around about the special one coming up..
It's also an opportunity for the ultra-righteous to show their stripes. At the last one a hypothetical was asked by the CO about a brother being away from home and staying at a hotel where porn was available on TV. What might a mature christian do in this situation? And then he opened the floor for responses. They were pretty hilarious.
It might be advisable to not even turn the TV on.
It would be good to request a room with out a TV.
Ask the hotel to block any porn channels.
Put the television outside the room (I was cracking up at this one--- like a scene from poltergeist the movie)
I was thinking, WTF? Since when did an appliance become so sinister?? And the CO loved it all. He just smiled and nodded and arched his eyebrows like it was all so much
good food for thought.
What a waste of my life!!!! Thank you Ray Franz! Thank you JWD! Thank you Randy! FREEDOM NEEDS NO PASSPORT!
Proving JW's got Jehovah's blessing in 1919. Difficult? Please Help
by oompa inwatkins: think about it, oompa --- just because they claim it's the only true religion doesn't make it so.
i'd say the proof shows otherwise.
for god to remove his blessing, he would've first had to have bestowed it.
I was aware of the changes, the contradictions, etc... in the Org. I always attributed this to man being imperfect. We were all just trying to get to the same place and hopefully get there at the same time. The brotherhood was a comfort. The emphasis on moral cleanness was a comfort. Etc....
It was after I became an elder and saw first hand that the teaching and the care of the congregation was not based on love and Christianity, but rather on a set of corporate
directives, that I truely began to have misgivings. When I became convinced that in fact I was following men and man made rules and doctrines and had to subordinate
the truth--- not just thoughts, doubts, etc--- but THE TRUTH!-- to their edicts and directives, then I knew I had to investigate.
To me it was not enough to say that we don't teach hell fire, or a Trinity, or that God's name is Jehovah---- Jews do likewise. And they haven't changed for 3500 years. So,
is Judaism the true religion?
The mediatorship of Christ only for the anointed: this was also a teaching of the WTS that resonated like a bold faced lie. And guess what? The majority of JW's either do not know that is the offical doctrine, or just dismiss it. I know that all the young people in my pioneer class had no clue that JesusChrist was not their mediator. Some were stunned to learn this and hear it for the first time from a CO, a direct rep. from the GB.
It may be too late for your Dad since he has invested so much of his life and faith in this religion. It is definitely difficult to reconcile being a true beleiver with the fact that you were actually a sucker. It hurts. I know, it hurt me like hell.
JW Facts put up a great post. I hope you find the info you need. Be prepared for it not being enough to convince your Dad that the Org. is built on a lie. It's built on shifting sand, that's why it changes so often. It has no true foundation.
All the best.
The New 2 Minute Sermon For The Door to Door Work!
by new boy injust posted this on fresia thread.. if you were to come up with their new 2 minute condenced sermon what would you say?.
ring....ring.... "yes hello".
"we are going door to door asking people if they are are you happy?".
Think of all the $$$ they could save on printing costs!
Would You Condone Giving Birth Control To 11 Year Olds???
by minimus inin portland maine, all you have to do is see the nurse and you can get birth control pills.
we're not talking about high school.
we're talking abot middle school!
I have mixed feelings on this one. They are trying to address a problem and may yet be creating another one. What is sad for me is that the problem even exists.
Is violence ever justified or acceptable?
by ThomasCovenant insorry if this has been discussed a thousand times before.. .
my heart says no let's all get along and love each other and show respect to the individual.. my mind says yes.
unfortunately not everyone else agrees with the above.
The use of force or deadly force is IMHO, dare I say it, justified in defense of life or limb.
Can we all just get along is a wonderful sentiment. The reality is that there are those bent on causing as much harm as possible to their fellow man and who
will only cease from their harm when they are met with equal or greater force.
Wow! Nobel Winner Says Blacks Less Intelligent
by Justitia Themis in
a british museum has canceled a lecture by dr. james watson, co-discoverer of the dna double helix, after he claimed black people are less intelligent than whites in a recent newspaper interview.. watson, who won the 1962 nobel prize for his part in discovering the structure of dna, provoked a storm of criticism after his comments were published in the sunday times.. the eminent biologist told the british newspaper he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours -- whereas all the testing says not really.".
watson, 79, had been due to give a lecture at london's science museum on friday but the museum canceled his appearance, saying his comments had "gone beyond the point of acceptable debate.".
Is it possible he was quoting an old Awake article?
After 5 Months....I'm Going Back to Meetings!
by new boy inif you believe that......your nuts!.
the only meetings i'm going to now are the "fundamentalist anonymous" meetings.
it's a 12 step program to get you out of the churches that say "are way or the highway"
Looking forward to more of your stories.
Comments You Will Not Hear at the WT Study (10/15 Teach Children)
by WT Comments insoliciting your comments as well!
please take a moment to post a comment, even if brief.
share your experience and keep the topic active.. .
Thanks for the deconstruction. The WTS are masters of guilt. It is a tool they weild often and well. Love, it seems, is too unpredictable to use and the sheep not
worthy of confidence. The kool aid edition will dispense with all the fluff and go for the jugular.