I think 6 senses: the conventional physical 5 (touch, taste, hear, smell, see) and the sixth: instinct. We sense danger from the time we're very young.
That's my two cents.
sight, smell, touch, hearing and taste.
according to the author of a book i was looking at recently we have at least eight.
those previously listed and these: the ability to sense heat or temperature, the ability to sense pain and awareness of the location of our body parts.
I think 6 senses: the conventional physical 5 (touch, taste, hear, smell, see) and the sixth: instinct. We sense danger from the time we're very young.
That's my two cents.
well, they officially announced me no longer being a ms last night.
you know how when a televised trial ends with the verdict coming back .
from the jury and all the cameras are on the accused?
Freedom is priceless. You are on your way.
All the best.
PS--- Most elders are too stupid to realize what they're doing. Don't take it personally.
so today i was thinking... and i haven't posted here in quite some time!
i came and started reading through some recent posts... and boy have i missed a lot.
the whole trevorgate thing... and danny haszard... whew.
Man! The split tongue! The ladies gotta love that! (Ummmm. special lady)
it has been sadly interesting to see fadingeld's and others experiences unfold...wife out the door pronto and some not.
many here are still married, one in one out.
i have basically had a sucessful unplanned fade.
I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
does anyone know what the typical "christendom" view of "this generation" is ?.
i was just mulling over the "new" jw view that it refers to the anointed, but don't see how that fits, as at the time that jesus said this to the disciples, the anointing hadn't aken place - they were merely "anointed in waiting".. .
Christendom is pretty broad and varied. I have only asked two people in "Christendom" about this. One was a Jesuit priest for many years. Basically, his take
was that Jesus was referring to his contemporaries who would not pass away before Jerusalem was destroyed. That was his take. He is no longer a priest. He
had some problems with his belief system, that oddly enough, I had with mine.
i was thinking about why my sister is such a fanatical jw and why i turned away from it.
we were both raised.
jws by the same two parents in the same environment and taught the same stuff.
Journey On:
Are you my sister in law? No you can't be. You're out and she's still in.
whenever i heard of witnesses talking about someone.
(often a son or daughter) who has "fallen away" from the truth, .
they always say in a sort of wistful sigh, "well we just .
Yes. He is a Bethelite and Gilead graduate. He is now a missionary in an Asian island nation. I am not sure he "woke" up, but he did leave because of doctrine.
He and his wife seem happy enough doing what they're doing.
do you believe we evolved from primates?
what are your arguments against human evolution?.
Being raised a JW I always dismissed evolution as a "plot of Satan."
However, I do not see the idea of Creation and Evolution to be incompatible. If one believes in God as the Creator, why should the idea of
a very long miracle be anathema to the faith in the diety that brought it about? The idea that man evolved from a lower species seems more
acceptable to me now than it did before becuase I have actually read what others say about the issue instead of simply reading what the WTS
says about the issue.
One thing is certian and undeniable: life does adapt. It finds a way to survive.
could everyone please read this goodie i just found!.oompa.. it is short and shows that we teach predestation of big things in 1918.brooklyn., ny., january 15, 1918 watchtower .
are the adversaries increasing in power (article).
tile divine plan (sub-heading).
If you believe in an all powerful, all knowing God, then you cannot escape the conclusion that he KNEW all the things that would occur once he set them in motion.
Holding to that belief, Paul said that God had made some as vessels for an honorable use and some as vessels for a hishonorable use. What choice does the clay have
when it is the potter that is molding it?
So the idea that we are free moral agents seems to me to be at odds with a belief in an all knowing, all powerful diety.
And yes, I knew what Rutherford taught. My grandparents were enamored with the Judge. I wish they had never met a JW.
i have a scan of page 3 and page 23. don't know how to post them, however.
page 3 is an introduction to the new format.
study articles will be shorter, giving the audience more time to comment and more time to look up cited scriptures.
It will at least keep the old timers in until they die and leave their estates to the WTS.