They said he 70's would bring big things. They were right! Afro's, sideburns, and bellbottoms!
Posts by zack
Can you name ONE thing that the WTBTS said that came true?
by megsmomma ingarybuss said not one single thing they told him about in his younger years (since the 50's) came true.
it made me think....does anyone know of anything they said that was/is right?????
How much infidelity was there in your congregation?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inmy congregation had 85 members in the 90', there are only 35 members.i counted 6 divorces that were due to infidelity.all were married in their teens and each married the first person they ever dated.all the men found new girlfriends or remarried and left all the kids and financial burdens on their wives.most of the ex-wives live with their parents and have a hard time remarrying due to lack of men in the kingdom hall.. now,the new thing is for these divorced women finding brothers who were divorced due to infidelity in their marriage and date brothers from out of state.don't you think that by finding a partner who was in the same situation makes it more difficult?
and what guarantee is there that this will work since their first husbands were witnesses?.
The Witnesses have as much infidelity in their ranks as anyone else. Many in the congo I have been in in 36 years of memory were or are on 2nd and third marriages.
Perhaps if people could divorce for other reasons than adultery the "infedelity" would not be as high. Sometimes the marriage is over and there has been no extra-marital
sex, but the witnesses know they can have no "scriptural" divorce without this. I have an acquaintance who told the elders he cheated on his wife so they could both
be free to marry and he hadn't really done so. He only said he did to get out. Who is more screwed up? My acquiantance or the religion that makes someone do something
like that?
To be fair, they marry sooooo young and their relationships are under so much pressure from the relgion that it isn't surprising many of their marriages don't survive. It's a shame.
What is a good Logo for Wt's
by KAYTEE inwhat logo would be suitable for the jws ?.
logos are used to uniquely identify businesses, organizations, etc.. examples !!!.
red cross,.
How about a pictue of the Titanic with all the smiling and beaming faces before----
And a picture of the Titanic, you know, AFTER---
More JW Folklore, Enjoy
by moomanchu insent to me by my jw relatives.. is this for real ??????????
from a brother in kansas.. this was an experience from japan, as told by a circuit overseer: .
jehovah's witnesses were doing street work and placed some magazines with a man.
I was handed a print out of that story in 1993. The same person gave me an audicassette tape of the talk "100 million Freinds" supposedly
given by a CO. However, that talk does not exist in any ourline form I can find in print. The Neketa story is a JW Urban myth. Besides, mosty
people in prison get religion while they are IN. And if the stay in or die in then they stayed religious forever.
Me, I didn't buy it then.
I watched "KNOCKING" DVD
by garybuss init was l o n g. loads to think about.. .
lots of extras.
i think i watched them all.
I do not have the video, my wife and I watched it at another couple's home. They do not go into the blood components, blood fractions issue if I recall
correctly. A medical ethicist on the show (you would recognize him if you saw him) does not concede that it was JW's who FORCED the medical community to
explore and experiment with bloodless surgery and other blood therapy alternatives. He said the medical community realized that the safety of the blood supply
could be compromised; that capacity was many times lacking, and you had people who for religious reason did not want blood. Medicine has
addressed all these issue for all these years to try and provide ALL patients with the best therapies.
I had the distinct impression that everything said about blood, especially by the WTS officials, was carefully framed to make it appear more of a medical
issue than a religious issue. They were also very careful not to paint doctors who refused to treat without blood as an option as evil. In past JW publications
I have read of doctors who tried to tranfuse smaller children described as "vampires." Not on this show. The credits at the end acknowledged Don Adams and
James Pellechia. I was certain then of WTS approval for the show. Also, cameras were openly used in a meeting at a KH. It is a LONG video, though.
Thanks Gary for the thread. I have always enjoyed reading your posts.
I watched "KNOCKING" DVD
by garybuss init was l o n g. loads to think about.. .
lots of extras.
i think i watched them all.
I watched the video last weekend with an old timer who call Bethel "The Vatican" but is adamant that it is "The Truth" I guess he figures
it is as good as any religion. We also watched with another couple, elder and wife. I thought the video was well produced. The elderly holocaust
survivor was quite compelling. The liver transplant patient was very sympathetic. The history of the WItnessess section was very glossed over.
I saw nothing controversial about the history such as Pyramidology, 1874, the Millerite beleifs.
What I did find very compelling, and this from someone still in, is that when a staightforward view of the religion is presented it really
seems WHACKY!!!! Holy cow! If I had not known it was about the JW religion, I would have said : WHo the f---- are those oddballs? As it is,
the oddballs are me. Thanks Gary!
Where would we be now if there was never a concept of God?
by dh inif (for the sake of argument for those who believe in god) there was no god, and no human being who ever lived had ever come up with or even had a concept of god or a higher being.
where do you think we as human beings would be today.
what do you think our history would be like, and our future?
I like TS Elliots thought: Man without God isn't even a little interesting.
Anyone been to Barcelona????
by Crumpet ini'm off to barcelona in a month's time and wondered if any of you have been and could recommend hotels, restaurants, areas to visit etc?
I so envy you the freedom you guys have in Europe when it comes to traveling to so many of the world's greatest cities.
Enjoy your trip!
How Do You Think Jehovah's Witnesses Actually "Get" People?
by minimus inwhy do they succeed in getting people baptized?
what do you think??
The ANGELS bring them in! :)
Who is going to finally expose the WTS for what it really is?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe walls of the wts are finally being cracked but nobody is breaking down the walls.we have the internet exposing all their lies,elders resigning,no new members beside families being baptized, contributions dwindling,teens leaving in droves,and layoffs at the wts headquarters .still,the walls remain intact.the 800 lbs.
gorilla is missing to break down the wall.. we know in 1975 many members left but the wts wall was easily repaired.who will finally break the walls down and how will it happen?
what will it take for a mass exodus?.