Topics Started by chok
Can a disassociated person attend the memorial?
by chok ini disassociated myself last year, because i refused to attend a jc!
i preferred to jump ship rather than be pushed!.
this year my parents have invited me to the memorial?
PLEASE REPLY ASAP!!! Disfellowshiped without a meeting with elders?!?!?!
by chok in.
i was trying to fade, and thought i had done so successfully for the past 18months.. i have just received a call from my dad saying it will be announced tomorrow that i have been disfellowshipped... can they do this???.
Steaming Angry - Forced to explain Shunning to my 5year old daughter!!!
by chok ini am absolutely hopping mad angry!!!!.
to those of you who know me, you are aware that i have been fading for over a year now.
i have a daughter who is 5 and a son who is 2 y. in brief iast year i separated from my husband, left the organisation, met someone else and am now expecting with my new partner.. well i have had the usual ups and downs with my jw family.
Devote Parents advice me to Disassociate.
by chok incan someone explain to me what this is all about.
to those of you who dont know me, i starting fading a year ago now, cant believe just how quick that has gone.
well i separated from my husband, met somebody else, who i have been living for a few months now.
Scared to stop in on a Sunday Afternoon! What if they come round?
by chok ini am seeking advice here.
as some of you know i have been fading since december 03. during that time i have had about 3 letters of encouragement from family friends to come back, and messages of how lovely my children are (what they are really saying is 'why am i being an evil mother and not bringing them to the meetings!!!!
- do i not know i am their lifeline and they will die if i dont go!?!?
HELP ME! I cant cope with this anymore.
by chok infor those of you that remember the story a couple of weeks ago about my 4 year old daughter that declared us a witness free zone to her grandparents (my extremely devout parents!!!
) well the little minx strikes again.
i have just got off the phone from my mother.
HEY! Anyone from the East Midlands area???
by chok ini am on the look out to chat to anyone from the east midlands.
as nice as it is chatting to folk from around the world, it would be nice to get in touch with some locals.
Hello, kind of new to you all.
by chok inhi, i have been looking on the boards for a few months now, and it has had a profound effect on me.
thanks to all who i have spoken to, who have really helped me.
i was been bought up a jw.when i was 23 i left home and started 'living', got involved with a worldling, who i tried to convert so that we could be accepted.